Today felt like a good day.
Randy is currently still in the NICU (the neuro intensive care unit), but only because they don't have a bed for him on the floor he is schedule to go to. Yesterday, they put in orders to have him moved to the 3 floor in the west part of the building. This is definitely a good thing ~ he will be in the critical care unit, but he doesn't need the level of care of the ICU.
They had Randy sitting up in a chair a couple of times today (see picture above)~ this is good for the swelling in the brain, his equilibrium, his blood pressure, prevention of pneumonia, and quite a few other things. He had a few of his storming episodes today, but they were a lot less severe than the ones he had yesterday, which means the meds they are using are definitely helping.
Today, it really seemed to us that he was responding some to our voices. We don't know if this is the actual case or if our talking to him just coincided with some of the storming, but it gives us hope. We also some some blinking in his eyes, which is new and we are taking as a good sign.
The only bad news we got today was regarding the man who is the cause of all of this. From what I have been told, at the scene of the accident he was very uncooperative and was not taking responsibility. My insurance agent brought me Randy's work computer today and a couple of other things she was able to get out of the car. She told us that the man has been changing his story, first saying he might have been going a little too fast but now saying he was cut off by someone else so it wasn't his fault. He has still not provided any insurance information. He is flat out refusing to cooperate. At this point, it is really sounding like he is not insured. I ask everyone to pray for him ~ pray for his heart.
We also want to thank everyone for all of their support. A dear friend of Randy's mowed the lawn yesterday while we were at the hospital ~ we have had so many people offer. We wanted to thank everyone for all of the comments they have left so far, for flowers and cards sent to the hospital, and the food. Thank you all for showing how much you love Randy.
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