Sunday, October 15, 2006


Today we went to the Free Will Baptist church here in Kent. The church I grew up in was the Free Will Baptist in Yakima (my dad was the pastor for many years). We got together with those in this and other Free Will Baptist churches for things like camp, so I have known some of the people in this church since I was little. Right after Randy's accident, my dad called the pastor and he came and visited us quite often when Randy was in the hospital and the church people there prayed often for Randy. So today, we decided to visit there and let the congregation see the miracles God has done because of all of the prayers of His people. It was great!

After church, Randy's parents (his dad was in town this weekend because of Cass's birthday party) took us out to the BlackDiamond Bakery, which is Randy's favorite restaurant. Randy ordered a coffee and his mom and I, at the same time, told the waitress it needed to be decaffinated. The waitress found it very funny. When she brought refills, she made sure to tell us it was decaffinated.

Randy spent most of the rest of the afternoon working on building a model airplane. His dad took him to a hobby store and bought him another to do when he gets done with this current one. He is finding he really enjoys putting them together. When they got back, Randy insisted on carrying boxes of apples from the back of his dad's truck to our garage. He did excellent with carrying them and keeping his balance. Those boxes have to weigh about 35 pounds. So there is proof that his left hand is definitely getting better and his balance has greatly improved.

With his memory, he has some good days and some bad memory days. Today seemed to be a good day for memory. Friday and Saturday, though, he would forget things within seconds of being told. Overall, though, I do see improvements in his short-term memory. I know his therapists are working on memory things and his mom and I are both reading different books on improving memory. I know that the memory is the last thing to "heal". We are all working hard at helping him find the tools needed to get a jumpstart on getting there.

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Hey, folks!
Yeah, that memory thing comes and goes! BUT, overall, I'll bet it improves a lot anyway.
Kudos on putting on a great birthday party for Cass!
AND - hooray that Randy can carry those boxes! That is such a huge improvement!
How are the new meds working - is the pain decreasing and the sleep improving? There is SO much correlation there! And, good job on keeping away from the caffeine!

Keep up the great work - thanks for the regular posts!