Saturday, December 08, 2007
Truth in Cliches
This morning, he turns to me and says "I don't remember going to bed last night." I answered "That's because you fell asleep before you even got there!"
Friday, November 23, 2007
My Clever Husband
When we moved into our house 4 years ago, it came with an ancient chandelier in the dinning room. We have always hated it, but could never justify spending money to get a new one (times that I have priced them, they have been around $200 ~ at least for the ones that we tend to like.) The day after Thanksgiving we generally avoid all stores because we don't like crowds. Well, today, we decided to venture into Home Depot to get some things for our backyard. While there, we came across a nice chandelier that we both liked for only $40, so we grabbed it. I was so excited to get it hung up today.
Randy's left side is still pretty weak, so this wasn't an easy project for him. However, his great problem-solving skills came in handy today. Randy pulled out the tallest tripod he has and used it to hook the piece to while he was working on the wiring. I captured a picture.... what a brilliant man!

Here is a picture of the completed project:

We are trying to find cheap projects we can do around the house that will make the house a little bit nicer. I think this light fixture was a great addition!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Randy continues to improve, though it is a lot slower now than before. He has found some deficits that get in the way of him doing the quality of work he would like to do at work. The biggest issue is his memory ~ it is getting in his way of following through with things. Since I don't work for Boeing, he can't tell me specific of things, which makes it a bit harder for me to help him. However, he and I did sit down and have a brainstorming session of issues and solutions. He was able to give me enough detail in a non detail oriented overview that I was able to provide some solutions to him. Now getting him to use what we came up with is another story.... the follow through is a big issue in all facets of life!
On top of working, Randy has also been doing school. He has done excellent in the class that he is currently taking. It is an online photography class, but it isn't all about taking pictures. He has had quizzes, tests and has had to write a paper. I think he is currently sitting at an A- in the class. That class is almost over and his next class is beginning. There is a cool story with this, but I don't want it to get lost in the middle of a post, so it will have its own post here soon.
I am also pushing Randy into getting back into exercising on a regular basis. Work and school take up so much of his time. But physical exercise is so important to his continued healing. He himself has said that he has seen some slipbacks in his progress and he relates them to lack of sleep and lack of exercise.
With the lack of sleep issue, we are working with our doctor to find a solution to that. Randy went through a sleep study last Saturday night. We will find the results of that this Friday. Now that I am not working, I can take naps every day to make up for the sleep I don't get at night due to Randy's restlessness. But Randy doesn't have the option to take naps. Sometimes he has gone two days since sleeping. I don't know of anyone who functions well without sleep, but it affects Randy so much more. Hopefully, with the sleep study, they can provide us with a workable solution.
Another update ~ Randy and I got to do our first photography job together. We went to Oklahoma and were the photographers at my nieces wedding. It was a lot of fun to work together on.
While we were there in Oklahoma, we were asked to give our testimony to the church that my family attends. They played the DVD I made of Randy and his accident and then invited us up to talk. Though I hate getting up in front of a lot of people, it was a great experience.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Happy National Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Wow! It has been over a month and a half since I have posted anything. Oh, how time flies when you are busy. I have been working hard at school. As soon as a quarter ends at one school I start another at another school. I will have my Associates in Business in just a couple more quarters. I have also been busy starting to look for a job since the doors are closing at my current job at the end of this month.
With Randy, things are continuing to go incredibly well. Since I am not with him while he works, I don’t know how his work performance is, but since he has gone back to work, I have seen so many improvements in him both physically and mentally. He still has days that his short term memory doesn’t function well, but it is usually on the days that he is more tired. It was funny… a couple of weeks ago, I was working on a slideshow presentation for work and was looking for some music to add to it. Randy handed me a cd of his, telling me he thought it would work well. I ended up leaving the cd sitting next to the chair I was sitting in. The next day, Randy sat in that chair, picked up the cd and commented “Oh, this is a good cd. When did you get this?” I looked at him a moment to see if the memory would come out, but it didn’t, so I responded “Yesterday when you handed it to me”.
Last Saturday we met up with some friends for dinner. They commented to me that it seems like Randy’s sense of humor has not only returned, but actually improved. He does a good job of making light of some of his deficits, especially the memory deficit. The restaurant we were at was one that we had eaten at only a couple of weeks prior. When Randy got up to use the restroom, I asked him “Do you remember where the restroom is?” He said “Nope, not a clue”, and walked off, not even waiting for direction. When he came back he said he figured he would eventually find it ~ why ask for directions if he won’t remember them anyway!
The last little update is on how the trial is going. The judge dismissed the case against the company, stating that the truck being over-weight is arguable. Our attorney conferred with other attorneys and told us that it would probably not be to our benefit to appeal. Besides, the appeal process itself would take anywhere from one to two years and if we lost, that would be a lot more expense to us. We also decided not to go after the man who caused the accident. From our initial look, he didn’t have any assets and our attorney said that he would most likely be advised to file bankruptcy anyway. I think Randy had a bit of a hard time letting it go because he wants this guy to understand the consequences of not following the law by not carrying insurance. So the legal side of things is over and the blog is no longer restricted. However, instead of moving it all back to, we are leaving it at
Randy is doing an excellent job with continuing to recover. He continues to amaze me. A couple of weeks ago he started taking an online photography class. He works hard at putting in his efforts at work and at school. I think it would be easy for someone to fall into their disability and use that as a crutch, but Randy pushes himself to do more. He is a pretty amazing guy!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Randy is doing amazing. He is now working a full 8 hour day. I was a little worried that he would tire out too much, but he is handling it very well. In the next few weeks he wants to add a bit more to his plate and take a photography class. Prior to the accident, Randy had developed a love of photography. He had taken quite a few classes at the local community college, mostly focusing on black and white photography. He is now branching out into the world of digital photography. He is beginning to drive Cass and I a bit crazy. With the black and white, film was a little expensive so he had to plan out his pictures and he took very few. With digital, he doesn't have to worry about the cost of film, so he is constantly taking our picture. I think we have over 50 alone of just me driving. But I love to see him getting back to the things that he was so passionate about before.
The last few weeks haven't been all work for us. Since Cass had to spend her birthday last year mostly at the hospital, we decided to take her out to have some fun. We headed to Ocean Shores for a few days and had an amazing time! So much so, in fact, that we ended up staying an extra day. I think it was good for the three of us to get away from everything and play for a few days.
Though Randy has come so far, he still has what we jokingly refer to as "brain injur moments". One such example occurred about a week ago. A couple weeks prior to this occurrence, we had purchased a screen door for our front door. Randy hadn't measured the door or anything. He just grabbed the one he thought would fit. Well, it didn't fit. So he took it back the next day. Then, about a week ago, he sends me the following email
"In case you didn't know, I suffered a brain injury in 2006 and have some severe memory deficits, so bare with me. Did we end up purchasing a storm door, if so, where did we put it?"
I just had to laugh! His memory, overall, is getting better. He likes to joke that at least his is better than his father's!
Friday, July 13, 2007
In the documentary, they talked about the coma stage (which Randy was in for 12 days) and then they talked about the minimally conscious state versus the vegetative state. Randy went from the coma to the minimally conscious state.
The show was heart wrentching. It was hard for me to watch because it reminded me of all we had been through. Also, watching it made us feel so fortunate. At the year mark, everyone was at a different stage.
One person, who was around 19, was taken home by her mom and then brought back 4 months later because she was getting inadequate therapy.
The man who was assaulted was about 19. He was actually at his two year mark during the documentary. They were debating throughout the documentary over whether or not he was in a vegetative statement. At the end of the show, the doctors and therapists were saying he wasn't going to improve. The parents weren't willing to give up yet.
The man who fell off a balcony was finally able to go home after a year
The fourth person had started coming out of his coma, was in a minimally conscious state, seemingly getting better, and then slipped back into the coma and died.
At the time that some of the "better off" people were just starting to walk while in rehab and just starting to make some vast improvements, during that time in Randy's recovery, he was at home walking and doing outpatient therapy. Randy was definitely on the fast track of recovery.
Watching this shore made us both feel so thankful for the miracle of Randy's fast recovery. It also made Randy feel very fortunate for the family and friends that he has. Throughout the show, in seeing what the family went through, Randy was constantly saying "Thank you". He kept saying how thankful he was for all that his family did, all those who visited him, and for all of those that prayed for him.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Catching Up
Cass is feeling better, which makes me feel better. She felt dizzy for a few days after falling, but that seems to have gone away.
Last weekend we went to Spokane for a family reunion ~ it was Randy's mom's family. They were all very excited to see Randy and many commented on how great he looked. He enjoyed getting to see and visit with everyone, but after awhile, it got to be a bit overwhelming for him so we called it an early night. But by morning, he seemed to be doing better. The family went on a cruise that served brunch. It was so much fun. We all enjoyed being out on the water. Right by the cruise loading area, they had bi-planes that take people for flights. Randy was itching to go and get up in a plane again, but we didn't have time. He and I had to head back over the mountains to get our dogs in time. We left Cass over with Grandma and Grandpa to spend a couple of weeks.
Randy is still really enjoying being back to work. I asked him how he felt he was performing. He said that, when talking to people, he does great, but he is struggling with the follow through. That is a pretty important part of his job! He and I are working together to come up with ways to help him be more successful with following through with things.
Randy saw his Neruo-opthamologist this week. We didn't like the news we got from this visit. He said that a lot of the pain Randy is experiencing in his eye (his left eye hurts pretty much all of the time) and then on the left side of his head is most likely caused by scar tissue. He also did a bunch of tests to test any improvements in Randy's vision. There were slight improvements, but he reallly feels that Randy's healing has stablized and where he is at now is where he will always be. All along, he has been telling us that Randy's type of double vision cannot be fixed by prisms, but that surgery could probably fix it. His opinion changed a bit this time. He said that even with surgery, Randy will still be left with double vision. He said that surgery might be able to fix the double vision when Randy looks straight ahead, but he cannot fix double vision when Randy looks up, down, or side to side. Even with the straight ahead, it is only somewhat of a possibility. Randy said that he isn't going to risk surgery for a "somewhat of a possiblity".
So, at this point, doctors cannot fix Randy's eyes, only God can. So far He hasn't chosen to do so, but that doesn't mean He won't still yet.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
More Working!
My day wasn't quite as good as his. I told Cass to call me as soon as she got up this morning because her back was really hurting her last night from her fall off the trampoline. She woke up feeling dizzy. I left work and took her to the urgent care down the street from our house. The doctor said that, even though Cass didn't really hit her head, it sounded like she had a concussion. He gave me a little print out of what to watch out for. I stayed with her the rest of the day. I think she is feeling better tonight, but I will probably stay home with her tomorrow just to make sure. I don't think we will ever be buying a trampoline!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th!
We started the day off with doing some work around the house. Randy and I had gotten a sleeper sofa for his office/spare bedroom. Unfortunately, we did not measure our house or the sofa to ensure we could get it in the room. We just selected the cheapest one we could find (making sure it was still comfortable for Randy's parents, of course!). When they delivered it, they couldn't get it through the door of the bedroom ~ the angle was just a little too off. So, Randy decided it would be a good time to replace our aluminum single-pane window with the double pane window our neighbor gave us when he remodled his house. With the help of our neighbor and his brother, the sofa fit very nicely through the open hole of the window and then we got the new window put in. Since they were over here helping already, they decided to put the double pane window into Cass's room as well. Randy's office is now done. Thankfully, the couch looks very nice in there, because even if it didn't, it can't come back out!
We then headed over to our neighbors house. They have a bunch of their family over every year. They have a trampoline, which Cass absolutely loves. Someone hooked up a sprinkler to the safety net around the trampline, so the kids could jump while cooling off with water. I thought it was a great idea until Cass got off of it and our neighbor Ron convinced her to come give me a hug!
We ended our evening down at Lake Meridian, which is a short little walk from our house. They put on a great show every year. Our neighbors know some people who live on the lake, so we get to go into one of the private beaches to watch the show.
Randy was very tired by the end of the night. He had to use his cain to walk down to the lake. When he gets tired, he has a much harder time with balance.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Randy's First Day
We spent the weekend finishing what Randy had started a little over a year ago ~ turning our spare bedroom into an office. By tomorrow evening, it should be all done. For his parents, we made sure that we still have availability to easily set up a bed in there because we enjoy when they come visit.
Friday night, Randy was actually worn out enough to fall asleep well, which I really appreciated! I was a little surprised at how easily he was able to fall asleep because we had a house full of girls because Cass had a sleepover birthday party. Randy's mom stayed with us the night before and got the house all set up, which we greatly appreciated! All we had to do was enterainment for a little bit and then set them off to do their own thing (crossing our fingers that we wouldn't wake up to a huge science epxeriment gone wrong again).
Randy is looking forward to going back into work tomorrow. I am just so thankful that he has healed enough that he can get back into doing what he loves. And I am thankful that he works for the company that he does and is surrounded by such supportive people!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Randy's Going Back to Work!
He goes back to work this Friday!
He will need to drive up to Everett one day a week (Fridays, I believe), but will be able to tele-commute the other 4 days or go into a closer Boeing office. He will be starting out with 4 hours and day and work up there as he is able to handle more.
This has been a long year, but in consideration of the injuries he had, Randy has come so far so fast. The average time for those with severe head injury to return to work is around 18 months, so Randy is ahead of the game by 6 months.
We are so excited!!!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
1 Year Celebration
We are so thankful for all those that could make it and sorry that we missed seeing those who couldn't make it. It was a great way for us to celebrate the one year anniversary of this last year! Randy still can't stop talking about what a great time he had!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Pics of Cass
Check them out:!E1159A4D3D1B7ABE!474&_c=PhotoAlbum
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
1 Year Today
It has been a long year to say the least. Our whole world was turned upside down.It set us out on an amazing journey. It has strengthened our marriage and our family. Through this journey, we have met so many new friends and deepened our relationship with old ones.
Through his determination, stubborn attitude, and his great fortune for having such a wonderful circle of family and friends, Randy has come a long way during this last year. He has amazed the doctors and the therapists with the improvement he has made. He has amazed me with his "I am not going to give up" attitude, even times have been tough for him.
Thank you to all of you who have shared in the last year with us. We look forward to celebrating with all of those who can make it to our house this Saturday.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Neuropych results
With Randy's visual perception and processing speed, he was still showing significant impairment. He has made about 15% improvement in the last 6 months, though. Just not quite enough to bring him into the average category.
The Neuropsychiatrist is agreeing that Randy is probably ready to give working a shot. Randy is beyond excited! He was on the phone this afternoon trying to get things set up.
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Deposition
With the company that owns the truck that hit Randy, that trial to determine whether or not the case to determine their liability has been moved until August 3rd.
Tomorrow, Randy has a whole day of Neuropsych testing. We probably won't find out the results until the end of the week or beginning of next week.
Randy has spent the last couple of days painting Cass's room. It is looking very blue! Cass started out helping, but that resulted in little blue spots all of the house on our nice hardwood floor so she is no longer helping. Randy is doing a pretty good job.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Update on Court Stuff
On Monday, our attorney will be meeting with the man who started the whole accident for a deposition. Randy has an appointment scheduled for the same time, but we both really want to go and meet this man. I am not sure what we will say to him, if anything.
Randy's sleep habits are currently all messed up. He really just isn't sleeping. It doesn't matter if he exercises a lot or a little or whether he has had any caffine or not. He just isn't sleeping. He stopped taking any sleep medication because when he would take it, I couldn't wake him up for any of his appointments. He didn't sleep at all Sunday night. He slept pretty well Monday night, but then last night he didn't go to bed until almost 4 in the morning and then had to be woken up around 9 for physical therapy. Needless to say, I haven't gotten much sleep either. He does try to be quiet and not wake me up.
Randy and I bought our house almost 4 years ago. From the time that we moved in, I have been asking him to pain the walls and he always responded "There is no way". Of course, I wasn't going to do it because I absolutely hate painting! Last Saturday, though, he completely surprised me by calling me while I was at work and telling me that he would paint the house for me. I was so excited until I realized why he had chosen now to be willing to do it ~ we can't afford for him to paint! He promised me that he will paint it as soon as we are able to ~ but just to be safe, I think I need to get it in writing!
We are going to go ahead and paint Cass's room now. She and Randy have been working the last couple of days to get the room cleared out (which is no easy feat with all of her stuff!) and get it ready to paint. Her favorite color is blue and she has been begging for light blue walls for the past couple of years. I have been trying to stay out of their hair and letting them work together on this project, only interceding when I have had enough of their bickering and need to tell them to take a break from talking to each other for a little while (they really are too much alike at times).
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
More Physical Therapy
So here I am this morning with this little white spider inside my car. The first thing I do is look for a place to pull over at. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room on the side of the highway for me to stop my car. I know that I can't let this spider continue running around because I could not take my eyes off of it, and that just isn't safe. So with one hand on the steering wheel, I use my other hand to pull my planner out of my purse and then start trying to hit the spider with the planner. Let me tell you, it was a difficult task trying to drive with one hand, keep my eyes on the road long enough to make sure I was staying between my lines, and reaching up to try to hit this spider with the planner! I missed a couple of times and then finally got him. Right after I got him, I quickly checked my rearview mirror and saw that the truck behind me had decided to give me plenty of space! I am sure I looked like a crazy woman!
Anyway... on to Randy's updates for the Memorial Day weekend. Friday, Randy went in to see his physical therapist to work on getting together a game plan for exercises he should be doing now. She was so amazed at the progress he has made since she saw him last (which I think was at the end of November). Friday, she did an evaluation with him. She found that he has gained considerable strength in his left side. It still not comparable to his right side, but it has come a long way. She started working on putting together some exercises for him to do. She said she thinks he should start doing some of the weightlifting in addition to the pool exercises he has been doing. She set up a few follow-up visits to work out the exercise routine with him. He goes back tomorrow for the first follow up visit.
Today, Randy was suppose to start his volunteer work in the church office (he is going to be doing the power point presentation for Sunday sermons). Unfortunately, he and I both forgot. We had a hard time with thinking it was Monday all day. They said they would set it up for him to do tomorrow.
Randy spent the weekend doing little projects around the house. We got a little reimbursment check from insurance for overpayment on presciptions. Since it wasn't money we had budgetted, we decided to use it on a couple of things we had wanted ~ another bookcase and some cheap curtains for our main window. Randy spent the weekend assembling the bookcase and getting the curtains hung. The curtains were a bigger project than I had imagined. We didn't have curtains there before, so Randy had to hang the bar for them. We have blinds on the window, but the blinds are broken. Then, of course, the bar we got was one of the cheapest ones, but it doesn't quite work with the curtains we got. And the curtains were way too long for the window, but we really liked the price so we got them anyway. So he spent awhile using that fake hemming stuff and and getting the bottoms trimmed up.
I wasn't feeling well most of the weekend so Randy wouldn't let me do anything. By Monday, my back and my right leg felt better than they have in quite a while. Our little Yorkie, Max, got his dew claw caught on something and it ripped it part way off, so he got babied this weekend (like he doesn't already!). Today, Randy took him into the vet to get it pulled off the rest of the way. While he was there, Randy had the brilliant idea of getting some drugs for Max for the barbecue. Max loves people and is a very hyperactive dog. He loves to yip and lick everyone to death. He also can't handle being away from people, so if were to lock him up in a room, he would yip non stop. So we had been trying to figure out what to do with him since we want to create an environment where we can visit with everyone. Randy, in all of his brilliance, decided that our best option is to drug Max and let him sleep for awhile. Randy has always been a great problem solver!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Funny Story
Also at church today, our pastor used a prop, which he often does. His prop today was this thing that went on his head. It was a band that had spring things coming out of the front of it. The springs came down, ending just about eye level. During the first part of the message, he began putting sticky notes on the ends of the springs so the notes were right before his eyes. Cass and I decided that Randy needed one of these contraptions!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Exhausting Week
Today, the three of us had volunteered to do some service work with our church for a place that provides housing for single mothers who need a little extra help. I woke up with a horrible headache. I think it was from a mixture of lack of sleep and allergies. Cass and I stayed home (she is still having some issues with her allergies) and Randy went to help out. So I got to catch up on a little bit of sleep!
Randy had a great time helping out. He worked alongside the pastor, who is familiar with some of the deficits that Randy has with his left side.
Tonight, the three of us played Clue. Randy had a little bit of a hard time with it. He won the first game, but only because Cass and I reminded him of things he had already discovered. Cass has never played Clue before. She is a little too talkative of a kid. She kept giving clues away. But then Randy would forget the clues she had given away. Thankfully, he finds his lack of memory as humorous as we do, so we all had a great time tonight.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Catching Up
Randy went to his Primary Care Physician on Thursday. He and I keep her in business! He talked to her about what the Neurologists at Harborview said about upping his Gabapentin (the medication he takes for his nerve damage). She upped his dosage from 900 to 1200. I guess 1200 is still a low dose comparetively with that medication. We are hoping this increase will help his sleeping habits and his tremors. So far they haven't done much for the sleeping habits! He has gotten very little sleep since starting them, which unfortunately means I have gotten very little sleep.
While he was at the doctor, I got a call from Cass's school. She has been having issues with rashes from allergies. Thursday, she had been in the nurse's office a couple of times so they tried to reach Randy to bring benadryl, but they couldn't track Randy down. When they finally got a hold of me, though, Cass said it was starting to hurt her. So I left work and took her to the doctor. Apparently, something in her system didn't react well with the sun. She hasn't taken any new medication or anything, so we aren't sure what the cause was. Everywhere the sun touched her other than her face, was covered with a rash. It wasn't just a minor little rash. It looked awful. The doctor gave us some medication that wouldn't make her tired like Benadryl does and said to give her oatmeal baths. We took her home, gave her the medicine and the oatmeal baths. Then, as the sun was starting to go away, we let her go outside and play with friends. A couple of hours later, she was miserable. The next day, her leg was all purple. We kept her home and inside the next day and that evening, we headed to Yakima for Mother's Day weekend. By Saturday, the rash was starting to look a bit better. There were some festivities going on in Zillah (a little outside of Yakima), so we covered her with sunscreen and clothes and let her go. The sun still got to her. Today (Monday) we kept her home from school again and kept her inside. It is looking so much better, but I fear that tomorrow will bring the rash back out when she goes outside. I really hope whatever is causing this will get out of her system!
Mother's Day weekend was very nice. Randy's parents got tickets to a play at Zillah high school ~ they put on Beauty and the Beast, and they did an excellent job! We also got to see Randy's Aunt and Uncle and their son. They haven't gotten to see Randy since he was in the hospital. They were amazed at the recovery he has made since then!
Sunday, we all went out for a very nice breakfast and then headed to church. After church, I took a nap so I would have enough energy to drive home. As I said earlier in the post, Randy did nto sleep well at all. When he did finally sleep, he tossed and turned and did a whole lot of talking in his sleep. Nights like that, I hate the fact that I am now such a light sleeper.
Tonight, we took Cass up to Seattle to have her picture taken. They had someone there that did her hair and makeup. We brought a suitcase full of clothes and the photographer picked out the outfits. The guy that did the hair and make up did an excellent job. He made Cass look like a little girl, which is not something I get to see often. Cass loves baggy clothes and doesn't care for the color pink. Even when her hair was long, she wouldn't wear it up. It always had to be down and pushed back behind her ears. The guy tonight used a curling iron, put a little makeup on her, and had her wearing a pink ribbon. She looked adorable. She hated it! I will have to post some of the pictures when they come back in a week or so.
Last little thing I wanted to post ~ Randy's 1 year anniversary is coming up next month. We would really like to celebrate it because we feel like we have so much to celebrate. We of course want to celebrate the fact that Randy is alive, but we also want to celebrate in the fact that we have been put on a path of an amazing journey, though it isn't the path we would have chosen ourselves!
Randy wants to have a Barbeque potluck at our house. We will supply burgers, hotdogs and some pops. We want to invite people to come and bring whatever dish they would like to make and any additional drinks they would like (no alcohol please). Kids are welcome! We would like to have this on Saturday, June 23rd. Randy would love to see everyone, so please pass this invitation around!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Last Few Days
Wednseday, he did some volunteer work at Green River Community College. They were having health days and he worked in one of the booths. I think he enjoyed being out and getting to meet some new people.
Friday, he went to go to Bally's, but when he got there, he realized that he had forgotten his swimming clothes. So he and Cass went Saturday and had a great time. Randy did some laps using a floaty device. He was really working his arms. It really wore him out and he is a little sore today from it. He wants to get into the habit of going swimming at least 3 times a week. He usually feels really good after going, though it does really wear him out.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
NeuroPsych Visit
Randy and I also had a session with the counselor today ~ the one that has a lot of experience dealing with TBI survivors and their families. Twenty minutes into the session, she told Randy that she sees a big change in him from last week. She said that he is so much more focused this week. I hadn't noticed it until she said something, but then I did realize that he was staying on topic very well and wasn't going off on long-winded tangents. He really was staying more focused in his thought processes and his conversation. Over the last week, he has been doing a lot more reading and has been able to retain things for a longer period of time. He is actually able to read a book and is able to follow along with the plot. So a lot of change has been happening, a lot of healing going on. I don't always see it because I am with him every day. I love it when people who haven't seen him in awhile point things out.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Funny Story
Today, we had a good day. Randy didn't sleep well at all last night. He has tremors and quite often they keep him awake. I think he finally went to bed around 5 am this morning. I didn't sleep that well because he wasn't in there. So when the alarm went off for us to get up for church, neither of us could get up. I had thought that Cass would come encourage us to get up, but she wasn't up either. She normally gets up early on the weekends, but yesterday, she had gone to Portland with a friend of hers and hadn't gotten home till after 10 pm. So we were all exhausted and almost didn't get up time to get to church. We missed most of the singing, but we made it!
After church, Cass went and hung out with her friend while Randy and I went to a barbecue that was put on my the leaders of the brain injury support group that we like to attend. We haven't been to that group in the last two months. I didn't realize how much I missed being around some of those people until today. It was a beautiful day for a barbecue! It was held at the group leaders house. Their backyard is at a slope, but they made it into a little park area. It even has a stream that comes down the slope into a little pond with fish in it. They have a stone at the base that says "Kent's park" (Kent is the group leader that has the head injury). Randy had a little trouble walking around because of the unevenness of the ground. It served as a good reminder that, even though he has improved so much in his walking, we really should carry around the cane for those "just in case" situations like today.
Friday, April 27, 2007
We have more good news about Randy's eyes. As I have posted in the past, with the type of double-vision Randy has, prism glasses don't usually work and for Randy they haven't yet. However, last night, he used them to read and found that they were giving him single vision at some distances. Things that were really close and things that were far away still were seen as two, but when looking at me (I was sitting right next to him) and looking at Daisy (who was lying next to Randy's knee), he saw only one of us. This is great. This means that healing is going on in there. We fully expect his double-vision to be healed.
Today, Randy went down to Ballys and worked out in their pool for awhile. he is going to make it part of his regular routine. He does great when working on mental exercises, but struggles to make himself consistently work on his physical needs. Randy has always been like that ~ he is a book guy, loves learning. But he said he felt really good after his workout today. He then hung out in their sauna for awhile and he was left feeling really good after that.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Randy sent me an email today that I wanted to share. A coworker of his sent him a book called "Health Food: a daily guide to spiritual nourishment for the soul". I have opened the book often and have found great inspiration from it. Today was Randy's first day every opening the book and reading it. He said what he read today adjusted his thinking. In the reading, it talks of a man who asked a christian couple if, when they went to the altar to be saved, they prayed for faith that God would save them. The couple responded that they had not. In going to the altar, they had faith and knew that they would be saved. In the same thinking, why pray that God would give you faith to be healed. Just as you believe that you will be saved, believe that you will be healed.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Dr Baxstrom Visit
Dr Baxstrom gave Randy some good news about his eyes ~ they are 20/20 vision. It seems the eye drops Randy was given in February worked and stopped the spasms that were going on, giving him the nearsightedness. This is great news! Now we need prayer that the nerves that are causing his double vision will be healed.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Amazing Weekend
We went with a group of 4 other couples from our church. I think we were the only ones that went to every session from start to finish. We took notes on things that really spoke to us individually and then shared them together. We enjoyed being with the others and getting to know the other couples ~ most of them we see in passing and will occasionally say hi to as church, but have never really had conversations with. It was nice to get a chance to talk more in-depth with them. I thought it was kind of interesting that all of us from that church that decided to go to this conference were all on our 2nd marriages. The only difference was that Randy and I just happen to remarry the same person we had divorced! Our first marriage lasted 4 years. Come this September, we will be hitting our 5th anniversary for this marriage.
During our first marriage, through our divorce, and throughout a lot of this second marriage, God has not been our focus. Together, we are learning and growing. I think Randy said it best in a little note he wrote in his workbook from the seminar “I’m also really thankful God brought us back together even when we were not paying attention to God”.
Through reading this sentence, I am reminded that I married a great man.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Neurology Visit
The doctor did recommend that Randy get with his primary care physician and discuss uping his dosage of Gabapentin. Randy's PCP had just upped it in February, but, according to the Neurologist, the dosage Randy is taking is still a relatively low dose. The doctor said that upping that medication might also help Randy with his tremors, which would be great!
This weekend, Randy and I are getting some time together, which I am very excited about. We get to attend a marriage seminar up in Bellevue. Randy's mom is coming to stay at our house to take care of Cass and our menagerie. I am excited to have a chance to get away for a bit.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Last Few Days
Unfortunately, it dos not stop the teeth grinding. I have ear plugs, but many times Randy sticks his mouth right next to my ears so I can still hear it. I think he is doing it to spite me!
Today, Randy went down to the Boeing Employee Flight Association to check out volunteer opportunities. Unfortunately, right now the only time slot they had didn't work with getting Cass from school.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Rough Day
Today has been a bit of a rough day. Just a little background ~ 2 years ago, the company I worked for (Western Wireless), merged with Alltel. The transition was hard on those who had been with Western for a while because Western was a very employee oriented company. The two companies had very different cultures. I, as a supervisor, struggled a bit with going from a company that allowed me to structure my coaching and mentoring to the individual need to a company that micro-manages all employees. I am not saying micromanaging is a bad thing, I believe some people need that and others cannot work in that type of an environment. After Randy’s accident, I began looking at opportunities outside of the company, but then realized that with our current situation I could not go down in pay at all. Being with the company for 8 years, I have established myself there. So I made the decision to stay and made the decision that I needed to find away to balance out my coaching style with the Alltel micromanaging way. I have come to really like it there. I still don’t like the company, but I have really become involved with my employees and I have loved working with them to improve their performances and to help them find the joy in their job. Recently, we did a bid for new shifts and employees had the option to try to get different shifts with different supervisors. Almost all of my employees stayed with me ~ some even taking shifts they didn’t necessarily like. That meant a lot to me and showed me how far I have come as a leader.
Unfortunately, we got the news today that Alltel will be closing down our call center. There was no offering of relocating to any of their other call centers (not that we could take that because we would have too much here to leave behind). I will be out of a job as of October 1st. For those of you out there who believe in prayer, please pray for us, that I will have wisdom in knowing what to do to prepare for this.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Off to Yakima
Randy has having issues sleeping lately. He was doing very good for a while, but the last few nights, he hasn't been able to fall asleep. Last night, he ended up getting up for awhile because he didn't want to keep me awake. When he came back to lie down, he still couldn't lie still so he slept in Cass's bed (she was in the guest bedroom sleeping with Randy's mom). I am hoping he can stablize his sleeping habits again because he doesn't function that well without sleep.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Easter
This evening, we took dinner to Zack's family (the kid who suffered a head injury in a football game). The mom quite her job and takes care of Zack because they didn't like any of the alternatives. It has been 6 months since Zack's accident. He hasn't talked yet. The mom said they keep his cell phone active and play his voice mail message on it sometimes to hear his voice. It is very apparent that Zack can understand what is going on around him, but he just can't respond. He has had a series of strokes. Seeing Zack made me very thankful for the speed of Randy's recovery. At six months, Randy was up walking around and able to communicate at that stage.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Last Couple of Days
And for the first time in quite a while, he was very difficult to wake up! When I left, I thought I had succeeded in finally get him awake, but then I found out later that as soon as I walked out the door, he sat back down and was right back to snoozing. Thankfully, Cass has been walking to school with our neighbor, who works in the school office, and when Cass didn't show up to her house on time, she came over and found them both sleeping!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
On a sad note, our Guinea Pig, Georgie is very sick. Every night, when I go into tuck Cass in, I always talk to Georgie. I realized that the last few days, she really hasn't responded ~ she just sat in her house. Last night, she wasn't inside the house, but she didn't move or really respond to me. I opened the cage and went to pet her and found she was incredibly skinny. You couldn't tell by looking at her, though, because of all of her hair. She seemed very lethargic. Randy thought she was just very dehydrated because we have a very hard time keeping her water bottle up ~ we are constantly picking it up from the ground. We filled her water up and filled up her food dish. Both were completely full tonight when I checked on her. We took her to the only Animal Hospital in our area that will deal with Guinea Pigs. The doctor said she almost died during his examination. He thinks she has some type of infection, but isn't sure. Cass is the one that takes care of her so we didn't have many clues ~ Cass doesn't make it a normal practice of looking at Georgie's droppings or things such as that. The vet didn't give Georgie much hope of making it through this because she has lost so much weight and has gone into shock, but we decided we needed to give her a shot at living, so we opted to allow them to treat her.
I know people that know us must think we are absolutely crazy! 3 or so years ago, when Cass's hamster's eye popped out, we opted to have surgery to remove the eye and try to save him only to have him die a few hours after the surgery. But we have really tried to teach Cass that when you take an animal into your home you are responsible for its life and should do all you can to take care of it. That, and we get attached to our animals! Georgie is very easy to love ~ she has such a sweet personality for a Guinea Pig. So we are a little crazy!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Our Week
Randy and I get a chance to help out another family that is dealing with head injury and we are excited for the opportunity. For those that live here in the Puget Sound area, I am sure you heard of the kid that suffered a hit in a football game this last October that resulted in a head injury. One lady has kind of adopted the family and she contacted 4 churches in our area to get people to volunteer to help out the parents with food or other little things they need. Randy and I asked to be put on the list to fill in for the “food committee”. They have people sign up to bring the parents dinner 1 night a month. The boy is an only child and he currently has a feeding tube in and cannot eat solid foods. We signed up to fill in for anyone on the food committee that can’t bring dinner on their given night. Currently, the boy is back in the hospital due to high fevers from infections, but before that his mom took care of him at home while the father works full time. They flew in a nurse from Cuba to help out as well. We are looking forward to meeting them and getting to help out in any way that we able to right now.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Last Couple of Days
Despite the little letdown with the court thing, the three of us (Randy, Cass and I) all went out to dinner and had a great time. Some of my coworkers had gotten us a gift certificate to a very nice Italian restaurant in Bellevue. We decided it was about time we finally used it! We had such a nice dinner. They were incredibly busy, but we were talking so much we didn't even realize how much time had passed waiting for our food. Our waiter felt bad, though, so he gave us free brushetta and free dessert. The food was absolutely amazing.
Today, none of us have felt well, so we didn't do a whole lot. Randy did get up early and hang out with a friend, which he greatly enjoyed. The rest of the day, though, we pretty much took it easy. We did have a little scare with one of our dogs. We were all in the living room and she was in our bedroom and she just started this awful sounding howling. She sounded like something was terribly wrong. I couldn't bear to go in there and see what was causing her so much pain, so Randy ran in there and then closed the door. We aren't positive what happened, but the best we can figure is that she somehow got caught up in the cord to one of our lamps that is beside our bed and, in trying to get away from it, she bit into the cord, which must have shocked her. I am sure it was quite painful and she ended up causing quite a mess, but thankfully she seems to be okay from it.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Randy's Eyes

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
9 Months Today
Randy has come so far. 9 months ago, I wasn't sure he was going to make it through the night. Today, his life is reminder that God is with us and it is a reminder of His strength, His mercy, and His love.
Monday, March 19, 2007
First Movie
Today, he went out to lunch with a guy he met that suffered a TBI while serving in the war a few years ago. Randy had done some research a few months ago and came across an article from NPR (National Public Radio) that called TBIs the unwritten cost of the war. A fact that he has told this gentleman quite a few times!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Great Day!
Randy then drove himself to the chiropractor and then stopped and grabbed us dinner. A very big day for him indeed! I, of course, was very nervous about him driving. Before he left anyplace and right when we arrived at the next place, he had to call me. He did great!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Time Changes
This evening, we went over to the house of some people in the church. We hadn't really known them before tonight. They wanted to get to know us so they invited us over for dinner. We had a very nice time. The wife and I set up some time for me to go out to dinner with her and some other women on occassion, which I think will be very nice. As Randy has improved, I think it is important for me to get out on occassion and have time away from the house. I am excited!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Busy Days
Randy left another message of the vocational therapist at Boeing. While Randy was out this morning, the person called him back and said that he has a meeting with Randy's manager and his manager's manager next Wednesday to review all of the different aspects of Randy's job and what skills are necessary for the job. He said in his message that he will compile a list that we can take to Randy's doctor to see what ones Randy will have difficulty with. It's a start!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Randy has been utilizing the Access transportation almost every day. At first, I had to schedule everything for him, but I gave him the instructions for how and he hasn't had any real difficulty doing for himself, which is very nice for both of us. He loves getting out of the house for a little while each day, which I can completely understand. I would go crazy being stuck in the house all day almost every day. He has also been playing with the nintendo DS quite a bit. We have the Super Mario Bro game and, at first, Randy really struggled with playing it ~ responding in time to the different situations he comes across in the game or getting his left side to respond enough to do what he wants to do. But he has come a long way in the last few weeks. At one point, he was very frustrated because he couldn't get past one world he was on and I thought for sure he was going to give up. He didn't, though. He stuck with it and kept on trying until he finally made it.
He still hasn't had any luck in dealing with the vocational therapist he has been in contact with at Boeing. I think that person isn't in the office all of the time, so he is hard to get a hold of. When Randy finally did get a hold of him, the guy hadn't done anything as of yet (as far as researching what can be done in Randy's case) so he didn't have any information for Randy. Randy is feeling very frustrated. Hopefully things will start moving with this guy, though, so we can start working on getting Randy back into a working environment.
I think that is it for the updates over the last few days.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Our Oven.. and last few days
After pricing out how much it would be for a new computer thing and control panel and the labor charge, we found it was cheaper to get a new oven. Thankfully Sears has a deal going on now for their appliances ~ 10%, free delivery, and 12 months no payments and no interest. Our new oven gets delivered tomorrow. We opted to put it in ourselves and not pay the labor fee, so I am hoping it isn't incredibly difficult. We did alright with taking out the old oven tonight.
Randy has been using Access transit system more. I think it is great ~ that way he isn't stuck in the house by himself all day. I think he was going a bit stir crazy.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
More Driving
For most of the day, Cass was over at a friends house working on a science project. While she was gone, Randy and I ran to Home Depot to price an element for the oven in case that is the issue. On the way home, as we pulled into our residential area, Randy asked to drive the car. He drove around some of the streets in our area before heading home. He said it felt nice to get back behind the wheel.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The Last Few Days
The eye appointment went okay ~ no major news with that. Dr Baxstrom did say that Randy's vision was 20/25 last time he checked (prior to the eye drops given by Harborview) and they had improved slightly from that. He increased the prism in Randy's glasses, but they still aren't helping that much. One thing that is interesting, though, is that when Randy has them on, if the object he is looking at moves in some way, while it is moving his brain processes it as one imagine. When the object is still, it becomes two again. Dr Baxstrom encouraged Randy to continue with his eye exercises.
Friday wasn't a great day for Randy. He got up with me when I got up and got ready for work and he stayed awake to get Cass off to school. Then he took a very long walk. The walk must have worn him out. I called him half an hour before he was suppose to leave to get Cass and I reminded him what time she got out of school. Then I called at the time they should have been getting home and there was no answer. I kept calling every few minutes with no answer. I even tried his cell phone and got no answer. I decided to check the home phone messages on there was a message from Cass saing that, since Randy never came to pick her up she walked home with a friend and went to the friend's house. I called the friend's house and told Cass to go home and check on dad. Right as she got home, he finally answered the phone. He had apparently been deeply asleep. When he woke up, he wasn't in a good mood. I think it took him a while to really become fully awake. For the rest of the night, he wasn't feeling that great and just seemed out of it. I was suppose to go to Seattle for a New Parent Orientation at Cass's acting school, but decided to come home instead because I was a little worried about him.
This morning (Saturday), Randy still wasn't feeling that well. Cass had an audition in Seattle this morning. Randy headed out with us, but as we got into downtown Kent, he decided he wasn't up for the ride. So he hung out with his friend Brandon while Cass and I went. This was Cass's first audition in front of an actual agent who was scouting. I thought it would be exactly like the audition to get into the school ~ they gave Cass a script to read and she read it in front of a little group of people. Unfortunatley, because I missed the parent teacher conference, I didn't realize it wasn't like that at all until we got there. It was held in the middle of the kid's section of Macy's. The agent sat at a table and kids lined up to go in front of him. We were third in line. As I watched the first girl go up to him, I saw that she introduced herself and then immediately started in on a commercial. No script was handed to her. We quickly got out of line and asked someone there how things worked and that is when we found out that the kids need to come prepared with a commerical script memorized. So Cass and I quickly ran up to the floor that school was on and got the script of the commerical she had done for her first audition. She quickly committed it to memory and practiced it a couple of times and then we went back downstairs to get back in line. She was so nervous. She lacked confidence when she went up to him, but he said she did a great job doing the commerical script. She just needs to work on pretending to be confident when she introduces herself and when she is leaving. Before actually doing the audition, she kept telling me she was too nervous and wanted to go home. I told her absolutely not. When she had finished with it, she was very glad I didn't let her leave. She had fun and got to experience her first real audition so she will know what to expect for next time. I think the more experiences she has, the more confidence she will have in herself.
Her and I got back in time to pick up the dinners from Dinner's Ready. Randy's parents had gotten us a gift certificate there. We had originally planned on going in and making the dinners ourselves becausde they give you a 5% discount, but everytime we had scheduled to go in, something came up. When we changed it to them making the dinners for us, though, they didn't charge us the additional fee. We tried out our first one tonight and it was very good!
We got back just a little bit before Randy's friend Brandon dropped him off and had just a little bit of time before we were to head back to Seattle for Cass's acting class. Since Randy's driving evaluation when the evaluator said she felt that he was ready to drive in residential areas (but she recommended he get an evaluation done from the DMV before he takes on freeway driving), Randy has really been pushing being able to drive. So today, he got behind the wheel and drove around our residential area. He didn't drive far (we didn't go near any main streets) and I don't think he ever got over 15 mph, but he did quite well. Better than I expected. I think it felt good for me to get in the driver's seat, even if it was only driving around the block.
We then headed to Cass's class. At the end of her class, the teacher had the parents come in and he showed us the videotape of the last couple of commericals the kids had been working on from the last two weeks of class. The first one was from last week. That was Cass's first time on camera. She seemed very tense throughout it. The one from today, though, she seemed very natural. A bit improvement.
A little bit after we got home, I found that I had left our oven on. I find this funny because I get so worried that Randy would do something of this nature while he is home alone and here I was the culprit. Thankfully nothing had been left in it. I turn it off and we all settled on the couch. A little while later, the oven began beeping on us. I thought maybe in my absentmindedness, perhaps I had set the timer. However, when we went in turn it off, we found that the oven display was flashing "F1". We tried hitting every button and nothing would make it stop beeping. We even turned off the power to it and turned it back on a while later. Still beeping. This oven is rather old and of course, we don't have a manual for it and when I tried to search on the internet for one, none could be found. I guess out next step is to call Sears. We just hope that it is some easy fix!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Cass is Back to School
Tomorrow, Randy gets to try out the Metro Access bus system for his eye appointment with Dr Baxstrom. I am so thankful that we have the Access system in this area. If Randy were to ride the regular Metro bus, he would have to leave the house at 7:30 in the morning to get to his 11:15 appointment and then he wouldn't get home until after 4:30. Neither of those times works for Cass's school schedule. With the Access bus, they will pick him up right at our front door a little after 10 am and take him straight to the Dr's office. Then they will pick him up and bring him back to our house. What is also nice is, if his appointment takes longer than planned and he misses the pick up time, they will send what they call a "will call" ride out to pick him up to make sure he doesn't have to sit there for a long time.
We heard from our attorney today. I guess the company of the truck that hit Randy has put in a motion for dismissal on the grounds that they are not at fault. If they get it dismissed, we have no real case since the guy that began the chain of events has no insurance and no assets that could be found. The next step for our attorney is to get a statement from the officer at the scene stating that the vehicle was over the weight limit. Then we take that to the hearing and hope that the judge will not dismiss our case. Randy and I don't have to go to the hearing since Randy has no memory of anything that happened. This has me a tad stressed out. I am sure that this is common practice to try to get the case dismissed and everything is just following the routine path, but I can't help but to worry a little that it might actually get dismissed.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Things a little better today
He and Cass also did better today. Since he got up so late, they didn't have much of a chance to do anything. Randy spent a good part of the afternoon playing a game on the Nintendo DS. We have the Super Mario Bros game, which is very similar to the old Super Mario Bro games on the old nintendos (the one that I grew up with). Every day, Randy seems to get a little better with the game. I think it really works his reaction time and works on his coordination. We just need to balance it out with other things as well such as the crosswords and other word puzzles. He did have dinner ready for me when I got home (yeah!!!!!!).
I talked to his doctor about antidepressants to try to balance out his moods. Unfortunately, he cannot take any with the pain medication that he is on because it would increase his risk of seizures.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Back to Work For Me
Randy didn't have much time to do a lot of therapy things today because he slept in. When he did get up, he and Cass went on a bike ride around our neighborhood. Then he got some time away from the house by going out with his friend Brandon.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Finally Home
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Our First Day Back Home
The driving evaluation took up all morning. We got done barely in time to pick up the dogs before they closed for lunch. We weren't scheduled to pick them up until late afternoon, but we were both really missing them. They were so excited to see us. It was the first time we had used this kennel so I was a little nervous about leaving them. We use to leave them with a lady that would just let the dogs run throughout her house. She spoiled Max rotten. She even let him sleep with her. But she stopped watching them in her house, which I am sure is better for her sanity! It was always a mad house. So we left them at a kennel. The person that was there today told us that Max was definitely a barker! It must have driven him crazy to see all of the dogs and not get to play with any of them! They also gave the dogs a bath and clipped their nails before we picked them up. I am thinking they need to go stay more often! Randy and I together can't clip Daisy's nails because she hates it so much.
We got home in time for me to crash ~ my eyes wouldn't stay open any longer! I thought Randy would take a nap, too, but he stayed up and worked on therapy exercises. We spent the evening doing laundry and getting things repacked for our trip to Oregon for the memorial service for Randy's Grandmother.
We Made it Home
Randy did very well on the plane rides. Those patches work amazing! Thankfully he has one more left. We found out a few days ago that his Grandmother passed away. Thursday, we will have a car trip down to Oregon to meet with family and the service will be held down there on Friday.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
We got finished with lunch in time for my mom, sister and I to head to a ladies tea at the church. I thought I was stuffed when we left the restaurant. Then, they brought out the cheesecake and the chocolate covered strawberries at the tea. While everyone was eating, my sister handed out little prayer cards to everyone. The card I got had Matthew 17:20 on it. This is the verse that was with me while Randy was in Harborview. I repeated this over and over while I was driving to Harborview in the mornings, while I was sitting next to Randy holding his seemingly lifeless hand while in ICU ~ "if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." In reading the card I had to fight back tears. At the beginning of this journey, it seemed so easy to rely on faith because really I could do nothing else. Now that we are 7 1/2 months into it, sometimes it can be harder to have the faith. I know this card was given to me to remind me.