Yesterday, Randy and I went up to Seattle to the UW to see the Opthamalogist that he normally sees at Harborview. He wanted to see Randy at the UW because his assistant there is trained on getting the necessary measurments for the possibility of surgery down the road. The assistant noted that it seems that Randy's brain is trying to bring things back to normal, but the improvements have not been significant enough that they believe surgery will not be necessary. With Randy's double vision, not only does he see two of things, but one of the images he sees is torqued. That is what the surgery would help correct.
The assistant did a variety of tests on Randy that test where his eyes are at now in order to get a baseline to see if any improvements are made over the next few months. The picture is one of the tests that was done. These glasses that Randy is wearing test how far off the left and rght eye are from each other ~ Randy had to line up two lines in each lens so that it was equal. I believe we go back in 4 months. If any improvements have been made, then they will be our new baseline and we will wait a few more months to go back for more testing. Once lilttle to no improvement has been made, we will begin discussing surgery or any other options we might have at that point.
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