Before I go into the updates of today, I have to tell about this picture of Randy. I got a cell phone that has picture caller id. Randy, without me knowing, took this picture of himself with my phone and set it up with his cell number so everytime he called me this picture came up. It made me laugh every time!
Okay, for the updates today, they checked the left side of Randy's face. He has a facial fracture that is right by the main nerve that affects facial expressions. It appears that the upper part of his face is responding to stimulus, but there is muscle in the lower part of his face, the one right by his mouth, that is not responding. They did not know yet what actions they were going to take to deal with that.
The results from the EEG (the test for the brain activity to see if Randy was having seizures) were very confusing. I tried to get the doctor to clarify, but he was very vague. I am going to push him more tomorrow. What he said was that it didn't seem that Randy was having seizures, but it did appear that there was a slowing in the brain activity. I asked if the slowing was normal and all he would say that it sometimes happens in these cases and they were not at the point of being concerned or at a point that they were going to do anything about it. I didn't really like that response and wish I had something more clear.
One thing we did experience that gave us hope today was, when one of the doctors who had done the EEG came in to see how we were doing today, he opened Randy's eyes to look at them, and once they closed, Randy opened them halfway (the right more so than the left). It felt good. We don't know if it was just a reflex, but it felt good.
I really wanted to thank everyone that came by today and prayed with/for us and shared their stories. Everyone that has contacted us over the last 9 days has, just by showing you care about how Randy is doing, has helped us through this time. Today, we got to here so many stories of people that have been through things similar to Randy and have made it through. It really helped ~ it gave us encouragment. We also went to the support group that the hospital has once a week and we got to hear stories of people who themselves have been through head injuries as well as family members who have and are dealing with it. It really helped today.
For an update on the other people involved in the accident: it is confirmed that the man who caused the entire thing does not have insurance. I will be contacting an attorney in the next few days to find out my options with that. The man that actually hit Randy stopped by my house tonight. I was home, but my daughter and my sister met him. From what they have told me about him, he was very concerned about Randy and how he was doing. He left his phone number. I might try to call him tomorrow. It means a lot to me that he came here to check on him.
I think that is all of the updates at this time.
1 comment:
Rachel - you are so awesome - it is no wonder you and Randy are together - what a team!!
We are all praying for you and your daughter and for Randy, of course.
Long story short, since 18 months old, my son has had varying diagnoses of autism or other issues, and I ended up studying LOTS. From my study on brain injury patients, I want to encourage you and your daughter to talk to Randy regularly, about past events, people's names, the dogs, any and everything that will connect with his memory. Play his favorite music. Just believe that he hears and responds to everything you are saying, and is waiting to tell you how much he loves you.
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