We have had a very busy last couple of days!
Friday, Randy had therapies. We started off with speech therapy. Vanessa tested him
his categories. She gives him a category and he has to name 15 items in that category within 30 seconds. From this week to last week, his performance was about the same ~ around 78%. Her goal is for him to reach 85% by the end of this month (which means by the next session since it is the last one of the month). He and I practiced throughout the rest of the day. As we were riding in the car, I would name a category and he would name items, and occassionally I would give him hints to get his mind going.
Next, Randy had physical therapy. This session was kind of fun. Tammie made an obstacle course for him. She really wanted to work on his balance on uneven surfaces. The obstacle course consisted of different objects with different "squishy" levels. He did alright with it, but needed her to hang on to him during some steps.
After therapies, we had a few errands to run and got done just in time to head over to Jon and Kelli's for another Thanksgiving dinner. It was very nice! Unfortunately, with the new medication, Randy was very tired so we didn't get to stay long after eating.
Today (Saturday), was very nice. We both slept in ~ which was absolutely wonderful. We had intended on going out on a lunch "date" with each other, but ended up going to Home Depot. Randy and I use to drag Cass down there quite often ~ we would just walk the whole store and dream about all of the things that we want to eventually do around the house. So that is what Randy and I ended up doing for our "date" ~ we walked the store and dreamt together. It was actually a lot of fun.
Today, I also decided that I was done with my long hair. I have been growing it out to donate to Locks of Love, which is what we did with Randy's hair. Today, I scheduled time with Gene Juarez and got it all chopped off. The pic is of my new hair do. It was kind of fun. I am one of those people who just walks into a Supercuts type place whenever I decide it's time to cut my hair. It was kind of fun to get pampered a little bit. I think it is great that kids can benefit from my hair and I get a free hair cut!
I think that is it for the updates.
Hey Rachel. I love the haircut. Really cute!
That last comment was from me, Dona Goddard.
Rachel, you look so cute. Very sophisticated with longer hair; still very classy with shorter hair.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to you all!
How have you been affected by the snow and ice?
We have so enjoyed the power outages every day here is like the Thanksgiving you describe - playing cards and board games, by flashlight or candle-light. I hope you have the same peace and contentment!
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