Randy was a bit tired this morning. He started working on his speech homework as I went to bed last night, and he ended up staying up until midnight completing it. He did make it up and out the door in time to get to therapies, which started at 9:30 this morning.
The homework that Randy stayed up doing was putting together a schedule at an amusement park. He has a timeframe to work with and the object is to plan the visits to the exhibits within that timeframe, accounting for travel time between the exhibits. So in speech today, Vanessa went over how well Randy had planned it out. She wants him to rework the page to tighten up the schedule and plan the exhibits in a more sequential manner to best utilize the time allowed. She told him to have someone time him while redoing it. She also wanted him to have someone else do the exercise and time them to compare. The whole scheduling of stuff is right up my alley. I love putting things together and resolving puzzles so in this instance I am not sure if he would want me to be the one to compare himself to!
Randy told Vanessa that he was proud of and was good at helping people solve problems by thinking on his feet at his job. She commented that things before the accident might still be in the memory storage bank, but new pices of information may be harder for him to retain.
For occupational therapy, Tina had Randy practice turning a steering wheel. At first, Randy was only using one hand, but Tina coached him on using both hands. Randy used to be skilled at driving pretty straight with his knees as well, which he did, I think, mainly to get a rise out of me in the car! Randy pulled off the kinesiotape (the tape that Tina has been putting on his shoulder) and there seems to be a small rash from it, so it was decided not to reapply the tape until Randy's next visit on Friday. The tape has really been helping with his shoulder pain, though. Tina had brought a heat pack for Randy's arm. She massaged his left arm muscles to stretch them. Then Randy did his elbow exercises. Randy then worked on putting 2-sided small cylinders into holes in a board with the point of turning them over as quickly as he possibly could.
Physical therap was cancelled today due to Cassandra having an assembly. Her and another girl were Uncle Sam and had a few lines.
Tonight was parent/teacher conference. I missed the first part due to leaving work a little late. The teacher told us that Cass is reading above her grade level, which is what we hear every year. Randy and I both love to read and we passed that along to her. Last year, when she was in the 4th grade, she was reading at above a 10th grade level. So it doesn't surprise us that she is continuing to do an excellent job in reading. What did surprise me a bit was that she was doing so well in math. Cass is the creative sort and she has always scored average in Math, but this year she is scoring above average. Cass's school doesn't use letter grades, they use numbers. 3 is average and 4 is above average. The teacher commented that when Cass gets a 3 on one of her math papers, she doesn't like it but the students around her, who are getting 2's and 3's, are not understanding why a 3 isn't making her happy. She pushes herself. I think it has helped her that both Randy and I have been in school the last few years and we talk to her about our classes. She knew what Y=mx+b was in the 3rd grade. Also, Randy and I pushed ourselves to get high grades (Randy graduated with highest honors). So it was a good conference.
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