Yesterday, Randy went to his first movie at a theater since the accident. When we watch movies at home, he loses interest part way through the movie and he has to get up and do something which then causes him to forget some of the things that have happened, so he has a hard time following the movie from beginning to end. With being in the theater and not having a pause button, Randy did quite well. He sat through the entire movie. Ironically, the movie was about a woman whose husband was in a car accident. I was a little worried that Randy would talk through the movie, which he does quite regularly, but he did okay (partly, I think, because I told him at the beginning of the movie that I really wanted to hear the movie). He actually talks quite a bit since the accident. It reminds me of when Cass was younger and was "Miss Chatty", talking nonstop and Randy and I would get to the point that we would ask he to play the quiet game. I have found that the quiet game doesn't work for Randy though :-)
Today, he went out to lunch with a guy he met that suffered a TBI while serving in the war a few years ago. Randy had done some research a few months ago and came across an article from NPR (National Public Radio) that called TBIs the unwritten cost of the war. A fact that he has told this gentleman quite a few times!
1 comment:
Thank you for keeping up with the posts. Now that I have left Boeing, they are my only link to how you folks are doing!
Rachel, are you getting hooked up with ladies so that you can get out and "just be Rachel" some times? I really hope that is underway - God gave you a unique identity and skills, and you have served your family so well, and I hope you get served, too :)
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