Friday, March 14, 2008

Catching Up

Since my last post, which was over 2 months ago, Randy has gone through eye surgery in order to try to correct his double vision. I was very nervous for him to have it. My biggest fear was that he would lose his site and sink into a deep depression.

The surgery took place at Harborview, where he spent his first 44 days after the car accident. Having him in there in a hospital gown and with the oxygen mask on him brought back too many old feelings. It was a bit rough.

When he first came out of surgery, his right eye, which was not the eye they worked on, was hurting a lot and he couldn't see out of it. I had an awful pit in my stomach until the doctor got there and explained that they had had Randy's right eye open during the surgery to line up the left one too it. The loss of vision and the pain was only temporary.

The night of the surgery, they sent Randy home with a patch over his left eye. We all had our hopes up that when he returned to see the doctors the next morning, his eyes would work together to see as one. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

The next morning, they took Randy back into the surgery room. They allowed his dad and I to go back with him. I was very hesitant to go, but I knew he really wanted me there. They measured his double vision with prisms and then had him lie on the table. They put a thing to his eye to keep it open and they pulled on his eye muscles (the two that they had worked on the day before), pulling one tighter. The doctor said that he was happy with the horizontal differences with the double vision. The vertical and the torsion remain an issue.

Now, we wait and hope that Randy's brain kicks into gear and fuses the two images. So far it hasn't happened. He can fuse them for very short times when he looks down, but that is about it.

I want to give him and his body what they need to so his healing can continue. I have been reading up on eating healthier. I have been learning a lot about our bodies, about how God designed them, so that I can begin learning how we should eat. The book I am currently reading is "What Would Jesus Eat". It has really opened me up to start thinking about why God created certain animals and has me wanting to search out more how God wants us to take care of our bodies - what his plan was for us in eating and taking care of ourselves. It is an exciting journey and yet an overwhelming one. We (Randy, Cass and I) are such people of conveniences. We like quick and easy. I have never taken the time to really think about where my food came from or what it is giving to me in either a positive or negative form.

We, as in humankind, have gotten so far off track of what God designed. The "rules" He gave to us weren't some willy nilly things He made up to just be ruler. All of the rules/laws have purpose. For example, drunkenness is against the rules. This isn't because God doesn't want us to have any fun. Alcohol consumed at the level where it intoxicates you damages your body. It can cause damage to the brain and to the liver. The more that I long to know about God, the more my search brings me to wanting to know more about His reasons behind the things that He asks of us. The more I understand the reasons behind, the more I understand about His love and the design that He had wanted for us all here on earth.

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