He mowed the lawn today. Well.... part of it. His dad did part of it and then had him finish it. He did pretty well. His dad said he probably couldn't dump the bag, but he did alright pushing it.
Randy had a pretty busy dad. Aside from the lawn mowing, he also had speech therapy today and an eye doctor appointment.
His speech therapist worked with him on a few different things. Randy showed her some of the crossword and logic problem books that he has. She said it was important for him to do those types of activities to help him lengthend his attention span and build his concentration ~ to improve his overall memory. She had him do things such as repeating number patterns and the making it a little harder by remembering a list of numbers and then putting them in numerical order and repeating them back. He was able to do that with 6 numbers. His mom said the therapist offerred him a piece of paper, but he did it all in his head. She also had him counting backwards by 2's, 3's, 5's and 7's. Then she had him listen to a list of 4 numbers and he had to add another number to each and tell the list of two numbers (so for 3, 6, 7, 9 he would be asked to add 2 to each and say the new list ~ 5, 8, 9, 11). I think it was a good visit today. He emailed me and said "I think she thinks I am smart."
Randy then went back to his eye doctor to follow up regarding the prism glasses. Even though they still aren't quite working for him, the doctor wanted him to give them a bit longer before trying to adjust them. He gave Randy some exercises to do with some funky looking glasses to help work things a bit. I think he goes back in a couple of weeks.
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