Randy got an exercise bike today. It works nicely. It has a back on the seat and it isn't too far off the ground. I am a little worried that he is going to push himself on it too much, though.
We met the doctor who will be Randy's Primary Care Physician today. It is kind of funny, Randy had actually met her before. She is with Multicare and anytime Randy has needed to go to the doctor, he goes into the Urgent Care Clinic at Multicare. A year or so ago, she was working in the urgent care center when he had to go in several days in a row. We had offered to take some feral cats over the mountains to a lady who was going to give them a home (they were some found to be abused by some kids). One of the cats scratched Randy's knuckle. He wouldn't go to the doctor right after it happened. He waited until we got back. By then, he was in so much pain. He had to go into the urgent care every morning and every night for a few days for shots of antibiotics. She still remembers him from that!
Today was really just a meet and greet. We gave her the history of what happened and all that he has been through and symptoms he still currently has. We told her about last Tuesday. We have been trying to get Randy in to see a Neurologist since the incident, but have had a hard time. I didn't realize the Neurosurgery clinic and Neurology clinic were two separate things at Harborview. Randy has gone to the Neurosurgery clinic as a follow up visit, but he wasn't a patient of the Neurology clinic so we had to get a referral from Neurosurgery to get him seen. So we got the referral and the first available appointment is October 2nd. I told the doctor today about it and she gave us a referral to another Neurologist ~ one that is closer and more available. We have an appointment for Friday morning. She also advised us to get into a chronic pain specialist because of the constant headaches he has. I tried to schedule with them, but had to leave a message.
1 comment:
Hooray, you have a bike!! The one I wrote you about got picked up yesterday, and I could only hope it was for you. No matter now - you have one!!
Rachel - there are ALWAYS things to worry about - God is SO big He is way ahead of us. Just trust Randy to His care each day as you leave. He will oversee and guard Randy on the bike - and everywhere else.
Wow - that was interestng advice about the passwords. I have no idea what to do for those things if something happened to my husband - he handles so much! I have not written down or shared my passwords. But maybe I could leave something in our file cabinet for just such an instance. THANKS for your thoughts!
Randy - now, you be sure to reassure Rachel that you will be cautious, instead of testing her, ok?!! Stay well - grow stronger and better!!
Oh - I saw an incredible kinematic chiropractor for my headaches - what a wonderful science! If you want the recommendation, let me know!
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