Randy got his glasses today. They look like normal glasses, which surprised me. They don't help him as much as we had hoped, but maybe as his eyes adjust to them they might help out more.
We didn't have any of the excitement that we had last night. Randy has been walking fine today with no falling into walls or pouring water where there is no cup. I had his mom ask the doctor about Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) at the recommendation of our friend Cyndi who went through all of this with her son a few years ago. The eye doctor gave us the name and number of an Auditory Integration Therapist, who can test him for that, but he said that it sounded like possible seizures to him. I plan to call the Harborview Neuroclinic tomorrow and see if we can get him in sooner than the 20th. Maybe from there we can get him to a Neuro Opthamologist to see if they come up with anything the other eye doctor might have missed.
We are all rather tired after last night's adventure. I was surprised Randy didn't sleep all day ~ he actually got up around 11. After returning from the hospital, he had a very hard time falling asleep. I think he finally stopped tossing and turning around 5:30 to 6.
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