We have pictures from the party. here is one of Randy and I. For more pictures from the event, you can check out the photo album on our msn space: http://rarush.spaces.live.com/.
I did not get anything done that I wanted to today. Our room is still a big mess and very little cleaning got done throughout the rest of the house, but today was a really good day. We managed to get up in time to go to church today (not an easy thing to do currently!). After church, Randy wanted to try going to a restaurant. So, for the first time since the accident, the three of us (Cass, Randy and myself) all went out to lunch. We went to one of Randy's favorite places ~ the Black Diamond Bakery. We then went down the street to the little book store and spent quite a while going through all of the books (it is a great place to get well taken care of used books for a good price). The whole excursion wore Randy out, but he had a great time! We started to do some cleaning ~ Randy worked on sweeping the floors so he could work his left hand a bit, but we didn't get too far with it. Jon and Kelli came over for awhile and by the time they left, we had lost focus on cleaning.
Randy decided to try to do the Continuing Education online class through Greenriver Community College. He signed up for the Project Management Applications class, which will be centered around the applications that he would use at work. I think it is a great way to occupy his time and his mind and to see where his endurance is currently at. Tonight, he was working on a small project that entailed data entry into an excel spreadsheet. At one point, he asked me to take over because he felt like he was too slow at it, but with some encouragement, he finished out the task and did pretty good with it. He had just a few mistypes. We will see how he does with the class. It starts this Wednesday.
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