Randy had another great day.
The physical therapist couldn't make it in today to test him for the rehab program because they had a lot of new patients from over the weekend that they had to get to first, but she said they would come tomorrow definitely. Randy wasn't that happy about it. He wanted them to come today. He is ready to go to the next step. He told us a few times that being in the hospital is a "waste of time". He also told us quite a few times that he doesn't feel like an invalid. He actually thought he was going to just stand right up by himself today when he had to go to the bathroom. Thankfully, we were all there to yell "NO!" at him and he waited for the nurse to assist him. He did put some weight on the his left leg and was able to stand for a short period of time and then he scooted his left leg over to the bed to get back in. It was amazing to watch!
He also brushed his teeth by himself and fed himself (though we have to remind him not to shove too much food in his mouth at a time and to take breaks in between bites). But he is doing amazing.
For those praying for Randy, there are 3 specific things he needs prayer for: 1. His eyes. 2. His Left Arm 3. Him dealing with this and having the strength to get through this
His eyes still aren't even and when he opens both of them, he says he is seeing cross-eyed. One of the nurses today said that she would get an eye doctor to look at them to see if it is something fixable, something that will go away over time, or something that they can't really do anything about.
For his arm, he is able to move it some and he is starting to move his fingers, but it has been hurting him. He is so frustrated that it isn't like his right arm. He was working it all day. He even asked for the ball we got him to start flexing. He is bound and determined to get that arm working.
Today, Randy's was really showing his emotions and talked a lot about the fear he is feeling. There was one point he had the three of us (him, his mom and me) crying. I gave him a pen and a piece of paper today and asked him to write his name. He did his signature three times and then started writing other things. The first two sentences he wrote make no sense. But then he wrote "I am tired of this. I want to feel normal" and " feeling empti/aloneness/tireeeddless". I think the last word was meant to be tiredness. He absolutely doesn't want to be alone right now and anytime I need to leave the room he says "Okay, but be right back". It must just be absolutely scary for him ~ I can't even imagine what he going through.
1 comment:
I am so glad to have some specific prayer requests for him, thank you. I will be praying. How are YOU???
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