Anyone that wants to see all of the pictures out of curiosity can email me and I can send them to you.
For updates, though, Randy was alert for most of the day. When he and I were in the room alone, I asked him what he name was and he said very clearly "Randy". He wouldn't do it any other time, though. He continued with his spitting thing. We could put a paper towel in his hand, though, and he would wipe off his mouth. He also blew his nose at one point today with the paper towel ~ it must have been bugging him after having so much stuff in it.
During the times that we would release Randy's hand from the restraint, it would be all over. To keep him from pulling out the feeding tube in his stomach, they put a brace around it that goes all around him so he can't pull it off. He didn't even try. Instead, he just stuck his hand right underneath the brace to try to get to the tube. He also showed us today that he can undo the straps of his neck brace or remove the pads from it that protect his skin from the plastic. We finally put the glove thing on him to give us a break and he started trying to take it off with his mouth. Hopefully tonight he does not succeed!
Once today, after the tech took his vital signs, he said "That was easy". Some words are so clear, but I have noticed that when he says others, such as the word "very", it doesn't quite sound right ~ he was having a hard time with the "v" part of it.
But today felt like a good day for him.
Rachel, you just keep on hanging in there. I cannot imagine what it is like for you to see the car photos - it is amazing. He is safely out of that car and in one piece, albeit momentarily still scrambled. GOD can heal him!!! Your continued strength is so wonderful. I pray God will bless your visits to the various care facilities and just show you in a mighty way how he intends to ues the place, the people and the time to His glory. He has promised abundance, and He will restore you and Randy...
I will definitely check that place out and see what rehab programs they have.
The doctors continue to tell us that until he fully wakes up we cannot know what damage has really been done – what deficiencies he will have. There are still so many unknowns. We are pretty sure he can see at least somewhat out of his left eye, but we don’t know how well and we don’t know about the right eye. We also don’t know about his hearing in his left ear. We don’t know the extent of the damage to the brain or what exactly that part of the brain will affect. We are still waiting!
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