I know it is hard to tell from this picture, but the tongue that is sticking out is trying to get to the feeding tube since we won't let his hand up there to take it out. I take this as a sign that Randy is improving.
He does a little more every day. Yesterday he was kissing my hand. When the EEG doctor came in to visit Randy and I was talking about him kissing my hand, Randy took my hand to his mouth again and kissed it ~ so he definitely heard me! He also, in getting frustrated with me over not letting his hand pull out his feeding tube, tried to shake me off, showing definite frustration.
Today he stuck his tongue out when the nurse asked him to while she was cleaning his mouth until she started to put in some medicine he doesn't like, then he clamped his mouth shut. At one point, it even sounded as though he told her to go away. He also showed he has feeling in his left leg today. He hasn't shown any reflex in the leg for awhile, but today, when the nurse pushed her pen into his toes to test him, he said "Ow Ow Ow".
Little improvements each day.
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