Thursday, July 06, 2006

Morning Update

Randy's fever peaked yesterday afternoon around the time of my post and has since been coming down. I don't believe he is running fever this morning. The x-rays they took of his chest yesterday came out clear. The blood work will take 24 to 48 hours to get back.

He seemed to have had a good night last night, but quite honestly, I slept pretty soundly (in fact, I slept better last night than I have the last 2 weeks) so if anything did happen I don't know that I would have known. It was nice to just be in the same room with him all night. Last night right before I went to sleep, he was sweating a lot. It could have been storming episodes, which lately have been showing themselves through sweating and occassional shaking, but the nurse gave him a low dose of pain medication and the sweating almost immediatelly went away, so it could have been pain. I can't wait until he can just tell us what he is feeling so we know what to do for him!

All morning, he has been resting nicely ~ they gave him something to help with that. It isn't to make him sleep, but just relax him.

I think that is all of the updates for this morning. I will post more later.

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Hi, Rachel. So glad you could catch up on your sleep a bit, and really focus on Randy. Bet your daughter and her grandma will be good company for each other, too!
We are all continuing to pray for Randy and the staff, and you - for comfort, wisdom, encouragement, anything and everything - even the next miracle :)