Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Today was a long day!

I think we might have frustrated all of the nurses a bit today! My stress level has been very high with the whole situation of finding a Skilled Nursing Facility for Randy as well as trying to be there to make sure he is getting the best care possible and being stressed over worrying about infections and fevers and such. With my stress level being high, my temper was short.

Randy has had diarrhea the past few days (I am sure a lot of it is from all of the medications being pushed through his system) and there has been too many instances where they did not change him in a timely manner. We were constantly on them, which I know for Randy's sake is a good thing. But I also do understand that they are very understaffed right now and the nurses are spread way too thin. The second nurse he had to day really frustrated me at the beginning. Randy had expressed to us that he was in pain so I asked for pain medication for him. She brought in tylenol tablets and then in looking at him, asked if he could swallow the tablets. He is on a feeding tube for a reason! Then she brought in too much oxycodon. I didn't let her give it to him. He only got tylenol (liquid form, of course!) and that alone seemed to really help him. For the rest of the day, anytime she gave him medicine, I asked her what it was or I just went up and looked at the label. By the end of the day, though, she just brought in all of the medicince and told me what it was before even trying to give it to him. She said she would do the same for one of her loved ones if they couldn't take care of themselves. By late this evening, we were feeling comfortable enough to leave him in her care.

As far as the infections go, they still haven't found anything. They took more blood today. Throughout the day, he kept spiking high temps, but then they would go away as quick as they came. They will be ending his antibiotics tomorrow. It hasn't been a full two weeks, but the antibiotic he was on was to treat meningitis, but since the spinal tap came back clear, they are going to go ahead and take him off of them now.

They also put him on the list to have his feeding tube put into his stomach (it is a small procedure they do, they insert it surgically through his belly directly into the stomach). I guess it will be easier on him and harder for him to pull out. He would have to have it in his stomach to go to a nursing facility. So it sounds to me like they are really getting him ready to move. I am just a little worried that they will try to drug him to show he doesn't need restraints ~ which is why I was very stressed about what medicine they were giving him all throughout the day.

One last update: we finally took Randy's braid down and had it donated to locks of love. The salon we took it into was very nice. They said they would get it cleaned up and send it in. I know he isn't going to be happy about losing all of his hair, but at least it went to help others.

I think that is it for now.


HeatherD said...

Rachel - how can we applaud you enough! You are the epitome of Eph 6:13 - wearing the whole armor of God and standing firm. God will honor your commitment and obedience. You are a true warrior. Lord, I pray the You would continue to uplift Rachel - ease her stress and her burden; assure her, Great Father, that You will see to Randy's provision for care, that you are planning and preparing the facilities, equipment and people who will nurture Randy and the family to wholeness and wellness. Your Love, Oh Lord, reaches to the Heavens; Your faithfulness, reaches to the stars;Your Righteousness is like a mighty mountain - we lift our voice in praise to You for healing, comfort, peace and love.

HeatherD said...

Rachel - You deserve praise and encouragement again for taking your stand. Have I shared one of my favorite web sites with you? here is an excerpt: (from Today's Word by Joel Osteen, July 10 http://www.joelosteen.com/site/PageServer?pagename=devotional_archive)

"I will maintain my righteousness and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live." (Job 27:6)

God speaks to us in many ways. One way is through that "small voice" we call our conscience. In many cases that's the voice of the Holy Spirit directing you, encouraging you or giving you an advanced warning! When you feel uneasiness and unrest, the Lord may be saying, "Watch out, there's danger ahead." If you ignore these warnings and continue down the path you have chosen, you could experience destruction, heartache, and pain.

Is the Holy Spirit placing warning signs in front of you today? Signs that read, "Wrong Way," "Do Not Enter," or a resounding "Stop." When you sense these warning signs you have a choice to make. God won't make you do the right thing, but He will speak to your conscience and make sure that you know something is wrong. You have your own free will. It's up to you to choose the right road.

Refuse to compromise. Don't compromise in your marriage, your business, or with your family. Listen to the still, small voice inside that warns you of impending danger, and obey His leading. When you do, you will stay on God's best path and enjoy the life of victory and abundance that He has in store for you.

A Prayer for Today

God, I am grateful that I have the power to make the right choices today. I know what is right and what is wrong. When my conscience speaks to me, I pray that I will listen and stay on the right path so my life will glorify You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Rachel - you seem such a living example of this - THANK you for your strength. May these words be a blessing to you and your family.

HeatherD said...

Rachel - i just want to praise you again for Taking your Stand. have i shared one of my favorite web sites with you? here is an excerpt:
Take a Stand—Walk Away

Today's Scripture

"The Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him and gave him favor . . . and whatever he did, the Lord made to prosper." (Genesis 39:21,23)

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

... When Potiphar's wife made advances toward Joseph, what did he do? What was his response to temptation? He ran away! He ran as fast and as far as he could. He left so quickly that Potiphar's wife was left with nothing but the shirt off his back.

...God honored him for taking a stand. Because of his uncompromising integrity, the Lord was with him.

You are a person of excellence and integrity, just like Joseph. When temptation comes, our response needs to be the same – run from it. Get away from people who are pulling you down. Block the Internet sites you know you shouldn't visit. Turn off the television shows you know you shouldn't watch. Refuse to compromise. When you do, God's blessings and favor will be on you and your family, and like Joseph, you will prosper in whatever you do.

A Prayer for Today

God, when I am faced with temptation today, I will remember Joseph. You know what I struggle with. Rather than compromise, I will make You proud when I turn on my heels and head in the other direction. In Jesus' name, Amen.