Randy's dad came from Yakima today. This is a picture of him reading to Randy.
Today was such a huge change from yesterday. They changed the dosage on the meds from 50 mg 3 times a day to 25 mg 4 times a day to spread things out more throughout the day. Today, however, he was so alert and so responsive that we asked that he not get his noon dose. If you are not one that reads comments, you should take the time to read the comment from Doug on the previous post. He visited Randy today and got to see how great he was doing.
Throughout the day, I wrote down various things that he said. This morning, when we were telling him what we were going to do for Cass's Birthday next Wednesday, he said "That sounds fun". Then, his mom was telling him that Cass was starting a collection of turtle bobble heads and said "Good for her". He said his name, my name, and Cass's name throughout the day. We told him that he was going really good, and he responded "We really are blessed". When I was talking about getting him evaluated to see if we could get him some water, he said "That's the evil plan". Before his dad got here, he was talking to him on the phone and he told Randy that it was 107 degrees in Yakima ~ Randy said "107, that's crappy". Then, later in the day, he has a cast thing that goes on his right foot. He is suppose to rotate wearing it for 2 hours and then having it off for 2 hours ~ it is removable. He got it stuck between the mattress and the thing on the side of the bed that holds him in. I had to unwrap the cast thing and get it off of him to get his leg out. When I finally got it out, he said "Thanks guys".
I think the best thing that he said today, though, was, his dad was telling his nurse a story about when he took Randy hunting many years ago ~ as they were leaving, Randy saw a buck, but he couldn't think of the word to tell his dad, so he said "Dad, there's a horny one". After Randy's dad told the nurse the story, Randy did an all out laugh ~ not the little chuckles we have occassionally hear. It was an all out laugh! And then he repeated "A horny one"! It was great.
Today was just amazing. He was there, responding, interacting, sounding like himself. And he moved his left arm. He moved it only a few times throughout the day and it was just a little bit, but it moved! He tried to use it to get the glove off of the other hand, but he couldn't quite get his fingers to work. It was just so good to see it move.
Today was just a great day!
Hi Rachel,
I'm just checking in again. I'm glad to hear you had such a good day with Randy, that's wonderful.
I can't imagine how hard this all must be. I was so glad Pastor Steve had us pray again today for Randy, I was hoping he would.
I'm not sure if you ever got my previous comment offering to get you some worship music?
Well, it sounded like Steve got that taken care of today. If for any reason you don't receive any music, or don't care for what you get...please let me know and I will get some to you. :)
With you,
Jessica Cagle
What a great day. Love the photo of Randy with Paul. Rachel, I've been reading your posts and I just can't say enough for your effort on Randy's behalf. I get to talk to Paul occasionally and pray for all of you daily. Your guys are at the top of my fridge list! I am grateful to be able to send thoughts and prayers to all of you. Randy is doing good and God is in the business of healing. Paul said he couldn't grasp the purpose just yet, but I'm seeing a loving strong wife stepping up . Keep it up!! It's OK to cry. Tears cleanse the soul. God is GREAT!
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