Thursday, July 27, 2006

Today was not such a good day

I went to work this morning and mid-morning, I talked to Randy over the phone. He seemed pretty alert to me. Maybe not quite as alert as yesterday, but he was responding pretty well. His mom had told me they had just cleaned him up so I asked him if he had a bath. He answered no. So I asked if he was sure that he did not just have a bath. He again said he hadn't. I told him that his mom had just told me that they cleaned him up and he responded "Yup, they cleaned me up good". I guess he doesn't consider that a bath! I then asked him if he had breakfast yes and he told me he had. When I asked him what he had, he told me he couldn't remember but he would go get the maitre de. Then, as conversation came to an end and I needed to go back into the building, he said "Here Mom". So he was very aware of things being said and pretty alert.

I stayed at work for a full day and then headed to the hospital. When I got there, he was still pretty alert but he seemed liked he was getting tired, so not responding quite as well as earlier, but still responding. His mom had said he hadn't taken a nap all day so he was due a nap. We left him a little after I got there so that we could go to a meeting. We were gone about an hour and when we got back, he was sound asleep.

While he was asleep, his friend Jon called to see if Randy was alert so he could come visit him. I told him the little I knew of the day from not being there ~ Randy seemed pretty alert to me, but was currently sleeping. When Randy woke up from the nap, though, he was completely different. He was off in his own little world, pretty unresponsive to questions. A lot of the things he was saying wasn't jiving together anywhere near what it was earlier. He kept saying he was hot (which his mom did say he had said throughout the day) and he very upset. He was asking all of us to take the glove off of his hand.

He did have the realization that Jon was there because he kept calling him by name and telling him stuff, the stuff just didn't make sense. Then Randy's dinner came and he refused to eat. He kept telling us that he felt yucky but couldn't tell us where or exactly how. Then his left knee got very hot and turned very red and hurt to the touch. The charge nurse looked at it and has scheduled him to be looked at by orthopedics tomorrow. But awhile after she looked at it, the redness disappeared. Even after the reddness in the knee went away, he kept telling us he didn't feel good.

It was so hard to see him like that. The times we have had setbacks has been due to infections and today really felt like a setback. It is so frustrating that he can't tell us what is wrong or why he feels yucky.

I won't be going into work tomorrow unless when I get there early in the morning he is back to his perky self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you heard that I came up for a few hours today. I haven't been there before when he was really awake and talking. It was so great to hear his voice and see him laugh. Given, when asked who I was married to he replied Max (your dog) instead of Jason but he did laugh at that. He has come so far and if today wasn't his best, it was still great to have a little bit of him back. I can't wait to tell Jason tomorrow. He did seem to remember Jason and mumbled a few things about him, but over all he seemed to have his mind on work and getting out of the mitten. You and Marsha are doing an amazing job. I admire you greatly. Call if you need ANYTHING. I'll try to come back up this next week, but I can try to visit sooner if you need something. Take care and get some rest. We will keep all of you in our prayers.