Saturday, August 19, 2006

2nd Weekend Home

So far our overnight visit is going pretty well. Randy hasn't wanted to do much except sit on the couch and read through all of the blog. He is so funny, every so often he bursts out laughing at some of the things he has said and done. At one point (I think while he was reading about trying to get out of restraints), he turned to me and said "I guess I have been a pain in the butt".

We got to leave right after breakfast this morning. They didn't schedule Randy for any classes today because all of the therapists knew he was coming home this weekend.

He was asking me who all was visiting him ~ he was wanting visitors. However, when people were there, he would wait till we were alone and ask if he was embarrassing or if he was sounding normal. He seemed to be very unsure of himself. It kind of breaks my heart that he is so self conscious. He also started talking to me about wanting to ask the doctor for anti-depressants. I am not sure if he came up with this on his own or if he heard/read it somewhere. I think he is really feeling far from normal and is having a hard time dealing with it. I hear the same Randy ~ same sense of humor, same soft spoken, polite man. I think it was also a bit hard for him when people at the house were moving around in rooms he wasn't in and he was sitting there stationary, not really able to participate. I just wish I could make this all go away for him.

People have been amazing today (as they have been many other days as well). Randy got to see the work that our neighbor has been doing on the bathroom project that Randy had started. He loved how it is turning out and he was appreciative! Then our other neighbor brought us over some very good ribs. Another neighbor anonymously donated to us ~ which will be going for the rails on our steps. Last, our friend Jon came over today and installed bars in the bathtub, a shower head that is easily accessible for Randy, and bars for the toilet. Jon was going to install the railings today, but the cost of what we could find at Home Depot was a little too much. Per a recommendation, I called the non-profit group R.A.M.P and they are able to do it a lot cheaper! I talked to the head man for quite some time last night and it sounds like an amazing group ~ it is all volunteer based.

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