Today was Randy's day off from rehab. I worked with his brain a bit in the morning, playing a game that has math problems on it and then in the afternoon his Aunt played him checkers, so we didn't let him do jus nothing all day.
Randy said he felt "lethargic and lackadasical" all day (his words exactly). I am sure his body needed a rest after two full days of rehab when he hasn't been doing much for the past 6 weeks.
Tonight, he got a shower, which I am sure must have felt great. He hasn't had a real shower since the accident. He also has been asking about the accident ~ but he waits until he and I are alone to ask about it. He has wanted to know every detail and he has wanted to hear them over and over. He tries to repeat them but when he gets stuck, he asks me to say it again. He told me he was sorry I had to help him so much and he wishes he could do more for me. I reminded him that we are partners and he responded "yeah, but you didn't sign up for this". My response: "I signed up for a lifetime with you."
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