Through his recreational therapy, Randy was given the chance to go on an outing today. He chose Baskin Robbins. He did quite well during the outing. We brought his wheelchair just in case, but he didn't need it. His legs started getting a bit tired when waiting in line, but he was able to handle it well.
Also today, during his physical therapy, he was able to walk 500 feet with his therapist only having to put her hands on him once to help him catch his balance. He went most of the way all on his own (with the use of a cane). She then practiced walking without a cane, but he is not able to do that without someone helping him balance.
During speech class today, the therapist asked him situational questions and asked what he would do and why, for example, what he would do if a kid pushed ahead of him in line at the grocery store. All of Randy's responses were very typical Randy ~ very polite. For the kid, he said he would say "excuse me" and the kid nicely to please go to the back of the line.
During occupational therapy, the therapist really worked his left hand. She had him unscrewing bolts with just that hand.
Tomorrow we get to leave here and have our first overnight pass. Randy is very excited! At this point we are planning on going to church (the Real Life Church in Covington) as long as Randy is still up to going Sunday morning.
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