We made it! The picture here is from Harborview (the camera was packed away when we got to Good Sam). I wanted everyone to see Randy's new hair cut ~ thanks to my wonderful neighbor Virginna!
But Randy arrived safely and is all set up at Good Sam. The ride over was a little rough for him. I really wanted to ride with him, but I didn't have anyone to drive my car and our stuff wasn't quite all out of the room yet. I walked him down to the ambulance, telling him all the way down where he was going and how exciting it was that he was getting to start rehab. I actually found that I had a very hard time seeing him get into a vehicle. Paranoia set in a bit. As soon as he was in the ambulance, I ran upstairs, grabbed the rest of the stuff, and hit the road to get there as soon as I could. I got there as the people who drove the ambulance were walking back outside. When I got in the room, Randy kept saying how scared he was and how lost he had felt and he started crying. I felt so awful! He kept asking me over and over where he was at. After a few times, he seemed to relax a little.
For directions to the hospital, you can go here: http://www.goodsamhealth.org/maps_rehabilitation.html. The address is 407 14th Ave SE. For parking, as you turn into the parking garage, you start out on the top floor and the garage goes down from there. The entrance directly into the rehab part of the hospital is right on the top floor of the garage. There are double glass doors you go in and its right there. I will have to post Randy's room number later because I didn't pay attention to what it was tonight.
I had thought that since we are so late into the week, that they wouldn't do much with him as far as rehab went. They had an occupational therapist come in tonight and work with him for about half an hour, evaluating where is at right now with some things such as being able to wash himself. He has his day planned tomorrow as well, startng at 8 am. The sessions, I believe are half an hour each. I think the day ends at 4 pm, but I am not positive on that. We will find out more tomorrow as he jumps into it.
For visiting, they ask that the patients have no visitors other than family after 8pm. As I find out what his therapy schedule is, I will post and let people know so everyone can know best times to visit him. He loves having people visit! He was still talking about Karen and Dave's visit (work people) today.
Tonight, it was hard to leave him, but I had to come home and grab some of his clothes (for therapy sessions, they work on him dressing himself). They also do not have any internet connection so I had to make sure to come home to post to you all that we made it safely. As Randy was getting ready to fall asleep, he kept repeating my cell phone number to make sure he had it right.
I kept telling him I would be there first thing in the morning. They let family be part of the therapy so I want to make sure I don't miss it!
For now - Welcome to your new "home away from home"! The tools are in place, Randy's skills are improving at an amazing rate. It is SO wonderful to hear they are starting to work with him NOW!
All of this is still part of the journey, and you do have the fortitude for this. Even when you can't be with him, God is beside him, within him, hovering over him - at work in a powerful way! You both are staying the course, and as you see him coming back more and more you will be able to relax more and more about his circumstances.
Faith is your best tool!!
I am so happy that you were able to get Randy into the Good Sam program. They did wonders with my uncle's recovery and I hope for the same with Randy!
I am so happy that you were able to get Randy into the Good Sam program. They did wonders with my uncle's recovery and I hope for the same with Randy!
Rachel, come see me on Sunday, I have something for Randy.
Nora, Pastor Steve's Assistant
Rachel, come see me on Sunday, I have something for Randy.
Nora, Pastor Steve's Assistant
Praise God from whom all blessing flow. My mind is singin the hallelujah chorus. Our daily prayers for all of you continue.
Love the SMILE on his face. It helps me "see" the smile on yours and Marsha's faces even if you aren't in the picture.
God truly is Great.
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