Randy is itching to go flying! He searched out his flight bag tonight and had to put his headset on! When he started to get up to take the bag back to the closet, I told him that I would do it next time I got up. He insisted he could do it. I told him it was probably a little heavy for him to carry and maintain his balance. He again insisted he could do it. I said "Okay, but if you fall, I will be mad at you". Not even two seconds later, he starts to get up and slides right to the ground. I started laughing and he turned to me and said "Point well taken". He let me put the bag in the closet.
Today, on our way home from church, he continued to go through the names of the people he met yesterday at the picnic. For some reason, though, he can't remember Cyndi. He got Stacy stuck in his head. Then he moved to Becky. There were a few others as well. He is determined to remember her name, though.
This afternoon we went to Jon and Kelli's house. I think it was really good for Randy to get out of the house and he loves visiting with people.
Randy wanted me to put a message from him on here: He wanted to say that he has good intentions and wants to get back to everyone that has emailed him, but with the difficulties with his eye sight, it is taking him longer than he would like.
Hey Randy and Rachel! Sorry I didn't get to chat with you today at church, you always have a crowd around you. :)
Love, Jessica (the girl with a J):)
Hey, Randy!! Wow, you just keep on improving day by day, maybe hour by hour!!!
How are the headaches - are they diminishing (in intensity and frequency)? be sure to talk with the eye folks about that, next time they look at your eyes, ok? My headaches continued long after my accident, but mobility made a BIG difference! I hope it does for you, too.
Gosh, you remember names better than most people - you are such an (over-) achiever :) Keep up the great work!
Rachel - whew, it's great you have a sense of humor about Randy and his cane :) Keep it up - you 3 are continually in our thoughts and prayers...
Every day in every way , you are getting better and better. Amen to that. Keep it up! God bless,
Rose Ann
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