We made it through our first full day at home. I think Randy was bored a bit this morning because I had a lot of things to take care of, but then I got him started on the Sudoku puzzles (I found an easy one online). He was doing great with them! Then Jerry Otis from RAMP came to install the railings and he invited Randy to hang out with him and his helper. I think it did Randy a lot of good. Jerry talked about his story of what happened to him years ago and he talked to Randy a bit about what Randy is going through.
I got a call from the home health services today. They are going to be able to start Randy's therapies tomorrow.
Randy had his first fall last night. I am letting him walk short distances by himself and he is doing absolutely amazing with it. Well, I left him at our bedroom door and went to check on my daughter's hamster. As I opened her door, I saw the cage wide open and no hamster. I said outloud "Oh great, the hamster got out", which brought Randy into the room. He was convinced he was going to help me find the hamster. I told him he could sit on the bed and he could help by watching for anything running across the floor (if Kim is reading this ~ remember some 11 or so years ago when I called you when our hamster got out. I wouldn't get off the bed until you got there. I have come so far since then!!). While Randy was sitting on the bed, he spotted the picture of a hamster on the hamster food and he was so sure that was Hammy, our hamster. He kept saying "Isn't it right there" to which I said "Right where?" and as he was trying to use his cain to point to the hamster picture, he slipped right off the bed. Thankfully, he started laughing. I still feel that he is so fragile. What is really funny, though, is that the hamster was right behind the food. So he did help me find it.
The power of laughter - Rachel you are so wonderful! Glad you could laugh about the hamster - thank you for giving us a chuckle, as well!
Randy - you GO!!
Randy and Rachel .. I believe in miracles and Randy is living proof. After 6 weeks in hosp. myself I found when I got home that I too was a little bored. The nurses didn't come every few minutes to attend to my needs, everyone had to keep on working and doing their thing and even though it was wonderful being home, it was a tiny bit of a let down. That's normal. I was thrilled to learn there are projects waiting and therapy to start.
The same things that gave you strength when you were hospitalized will also give you strength at home. Faith, patience, determination, gratitude and love. MOst of all, the Lord will continue to sustain you. God is great... and both of you are amazing and all of you are in HIS care. Enjoy all of life's little treasures. God bless you both,
Rose Ann
Great story -- you guys are really moving forward and I'm so glad that this scary first occurence was fairly minor!
I knew that hamsters were risky and this just proves it!
sc (the blogger without a passcode!)
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