We got the estimate for how long Randy will be here ~ 2 weeks. He wasn't happy with that. He said he was thinking a week.
Everday, though, he kepts getting better and better. He, of course, is still having issues with his memory, but he is doing great at using the planner that they gave him to help remember what he does throughout the day. When he has a hard time thinking of words, he is doing great at thinking of descriptions of the words. For example, when he was telling me he was dizzy today, he said it was when he closes off one of his avenues of seeing (his eyes being the avenue of seeing).
In physical therapy today, he worked on his walking. His balance is getting so much better. With occupational therapy, he worked on weight bearing on the left arm. It is getting stronger everyday. In speech, the first session was spent working on orientation questions, which he did very well with (knowing the year, the president, where he is now and why he is here, things like that). They also worked on reading, which he did well with. Then she gave him a sentence ~ he would have to read the sentence and then she would cover it up and then he had to answer questions about it. The first time she did it, he really struggled. A few minutes later, she did it again with another sentence and he got them all right. The second speech class, they reviewed the planner again ~ how to use it and where to find information in it. She then had him write out words to check his spelling (he only got one incorrect). She then had him write out the alphabet, but leaving out the letters in the word AUGUST. He got it 50% correct, which I don't think is too bad.
Right now he is just ready to get home and I am ready for him to be home. I just need to get the railings into the front steps and I think the house will be ready for him.
Also, so you all know, Randy is reading the blog everyday now and reading through everyone's comments. A couple of days ago, he was even checking his email (Randy.A.Rush@gmail.com), though I had to remind him what his password was. He is amazed and thankful at all of the support from everyone out there!
1 comment:
Randy - you absolutely ROCK the way you are so determined to overcome every issue that presents itself to you. I want you to reach up and give Rachel a great hug. Tell her "THANK YOU" (from all of us) for giving you all the support you needed. We know we will have you back some day soon, and it's largely because Rachel has been such a champ! Then, give Cass a hug and tell her how proud we all are of her for dealing with everything and just being a great support to Rachel and to you. Cass, you are a champ, too!
Randy, you are such an overcomer. I only met you a couple of days before your brain went on this holiday, but I had already been impressed and told several other folks how lucky we were to have you on our team. Now I know what a special family you have, as well.
You are going to need a bit more patience with yourself before you are back to 100%. But the progress is at such a remarkable rate, we know you will make a full and complete recovery! PRAISE GOD for keeping you strong!
What was that about getting more involved in church? They will certainly have a spot for you - just keep first things FIRST!!
Then, we all want to know what restaurant it is that you recommend the fish... :)
Randy, you are truly blessed...
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