Thursday, August 17, 2006

Quick Update

The eye doctor just visited Randy. He had hoped that Randy's double vision would have been getting better on its own, but it isn't. So he will be writing a prescription for prism glasses for Randy. He said that, as Randy's body continues to heal, we can hopefully wean him off of the glasses. For now, though, they will help Randy not see two of everything.


HeatherD said...

Good morning, Rachel and Randy!! Some days there isn't much to say - I just marvel at the ongoing progress! The word "steadfast" keeps coming to mind!
Well, although it's not new, I do want to just continue to encourage you in your work, your togetherness, and your dreams for the future.
God has many great blessings in store for you :)

Anonymous said...

I come and visit this site about every other week and I love to catch up on all of the latest news. As I looked at the pictures I could see the twinkle is coming back to Randy's eyes. Randy you are such a fortunate man to have a family so dedicated to you. But I am not surprised. I remember when we both worked for Alana and you would talk about your wife and daughter - the love came through. I am so glad that everything seems to be going so well. Being home I am sure will speed the healing process. Work will wait, enjoy the time at home and take care of yourself.