Friday, October 06, 2006

Mr Randy Rush

Randy had a good day today. He slept in until 11 this morning. He says he doesn't feel any differences from the new medication, but I think the last few days he has had less energy and been more tired. Randy worked on his eye exercises this morning, but didn't quite get around to doing the other exercises he is suppose to do daily before his mom had to get on the road to Yakima.

Our neighbor works from home sometimes, so Randy hung out at their house. When I walked in, he was looking pretty comfortable, sitting in a recliner doing logic problems. Cass and I have always enjoyed logic problems, but Randy never sat still enough to do any of those things. Now he is really enjoying them.

He worked some on his exercises and practiced walking around the house a bunch without his cane :-) . He also got up and danced a bit with Cass to the ending song of the Ghostbusters movie. I wish I had a video camera!!

We are going to spend the rest of the evening playing games together as a family.

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