Saturday, October 07, 2006

Randy's Saturday

We had a great day today.

Last night, after playing games together, Randy and I got into a cleaning mode and started working on reorganizing our bedroom. Today we finished the task. Randy has been wanting to set habits, such as making sure he puts things in the same place and such to help with not having a good memory. So we moved a little bookcase that has been sitting in our spare room into our bedroom. It would be an easy task except for the fact that the bookcase was full of books. Our house is actually overrun with books. To have a home for all of the books that we currently have, we really need about two more big bookcases. We ended up boxing up some we felt we could live without having around for awhile and we reorganized other shelves and found homes for the remainder of the books. Now Randy is all set up to have one place to set all of his stuff to make it easy for him to find.

We also went to the store today and got Randy a couple of model airplanes to build. He has it set in his mind that he will not be able to fly again so he has decided to build the models for right now. He has also talked about getting into photography again. Randy has an amazing eye for that sort of thing and he enjoyed developing his work. Before the accident we had talked about turning part of the garage into a dark room. We can't really afford to do that at this point, but he decided today to start working on drawing up the plans to do that.

This evening, Randy decided to make dinner. He did a great job of planning and cooking it. He made cube steak with garlic mashed potatos.

Tonight just felt amazing. It was as close to "normal" as we have had since the accident. Randy made dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen afterward (he has always been a very messy cook). We played Taboo together as a family ~ Randy did excellent with both describing the words that he had and guessing the words of other. Even the way in which he interacted with Cass with giving our Max a bath (even though he is the smallest dog, it takes at the very least, two people to give him a bath because he acts just like a cat), it just made it feel like things use to be, before the accident.

We also worked on his daily exercises today.

All in all, Randy had a great day today.

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