Friday, April 06, 2007

Last Couple of Days

Well, Georgie didn't make it through even that first night. We were all very sorry to lose her ~ she was a very well loved Guinea Pig. Cass has decided to wait a little while before trying to get any other pets, which I think is very wise! Losing 2 of her pets within just a few months has been a bit hard on her. None of us got much sleep that first night after taking her to the vet. For Cass and I, functioning without much sleep, though not fun, we got through the next day. However, for Randy, when he doesn't get much sleep it seems to wreak havoc on his whole system. For the next day, his balance was off so he had a harder time walking and he had a very difficult time processing information ~ sometimes things had to be explained a few times before he understood. Things that would have a negative affect on anyone (lack of sleep, poor diet, etc), seem to have an amplified negative affect on those in the recovery process for head injury.

And for the first time in quite a while, he was very difficult to wake up! When I left, I thought I had succeeded in finally get him awake, but then I found out later that as soon as I walked out the door, he sat back down and was right back to snoozing. Thankfully, Cass has been walking to school with our neighbor, who works in the school office, and when Cass didn't show up to her house on time, she came over and found them both sleeping!

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