Friday, April 20, 2007

Neurology Visit

Yesterday, Randy had a follow up visit with the Neurologist at Harborivew. The doctor was amazed as Randy's progress since his last visit. The intern mentioned that more physical exercise would help Randy continue improvement from this point. That is something that Randy and I have been discussing a lot lately. I got him that membershit to Bally's, but he hasn't utlized it yet. He and I will be coming up with a schedule for him to do throughout the week that will include going to Bally's at least twice. Randy has also contacted his previous Physical Therapist to do a "check-up" appointment to see if she can recommend some specific exercises he can do at this point to continue working on his balance and improving his strength in his left side.

The doctor did recommend that Randy get with his primary care physician and discuss uping his dosage of Gabapentin. Randy's PCP had just upped it in February, but, according to the Neurologist, the dosage Randy is taking is still a relatively low dose. The doctor said that upping that medication might also help Randy with his tremors, which would be great!

This weekend, Randy and I are getting some time together, which I am very excited about. We get to attend a marriage seminar up in Bellevue. Randy's mom is coming to stay at our house to take care of Cass and our menagerie. I am excited to have a chance to get away for a bit.

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

May God's blessning RAIN down on you as you attend the marriage seminar - receive them!