Friday, April 27, 2007


Randy and I have given up on the whole mought guard idea for his teeth grinding issue. Every night without fail, in the middle of the night, he ends up taking it out while he is asleep. Max (our Yorkie) usually ends up finding them the next morning. So I have resolved to myself to wear earplugs and then, when he gets so loud I can hear him even with the earplugs on, I make him roll over and face the other direction. Last night, though, Randy must have subconciously decided he wanted to be extra annoying. Not only did he very loudly grind his teeth throughout the night, but he also began whistling. I pulled my ear plugs out and turned over to look at him to make sure he really was asleep (and he most definitely was!). I just looked at him and said "Seriously?!" He is bound and determined to not let me sleep!

We have more good news about Randy's eyes. As I have posted in the past, with the type of double-vision Randy has, prism glasses don't usually work and for Randy they haven't yet. However, last night, he used them to read and found that they were giving him single vision at some distances. Things that were really close and things that were far away still were seen as two, but when looking at me (I was sitting right next to him) and looking at Daisy (who was lying next to Randy's knee), he saw only one of us. This is great. This means that healing is going on in there. We fully expect his double-vision to be healed.

Today, Randy went down to Ballys and worked out in their pool for awhile. he is going to make it part of his regular routine. He does great when working on mental exercises, but struggles to make himself consistently work on his physical needs. Randy has always been like that ~ he is a book guy, loves learning. But he said he felt really good after his workout today. He then hung out in their sauna for awhile and he was left feeling really good after that.

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Way to go, Randy!! Keep up the physical workout! Here is my theory - the better I keep up with regular exercise, the less stress and the better I sleep. Better sleep and less stress for me meant - no more teeth grinding! And no more back misalignment, so no more "restless leg syndrome." HOORAY! What a great side effect :)