Friday, July 28, 2006

Small Update

Randy is very "with it" today. He was able to tell the nurse where he was at. I have tried to get him to say it a few times, and he hasn't yet. He called me by my name to get my attention (of course, it was to try to get the glove off his hand!). But he is very agitated today. He is still saying he is very hot. We turned down the temp in his room to see if that helps. He is also very upset because he knows he needs to go to the bathroom and we won't let him up. The nurse gave him something to make him go and he was not too happy with that, but he finally gave in. As soon as he was done, though, he said "yucky, can you call". So he has been very aware of things today, but with that awareness comes frustration.

At one point he said "I am not having fun at all." Another time, I told him I was going to step out while he took a bath. The nurse then said it would be a few minutes because she had to go grab someone to help and when she stepped out he asked me not to leave and he said "I don't want to be alone".

So the alertness is good, but the awareness of things has been hard for him this morning and very hard for us to watch and deal with.


Anonymous said...

Hello Rachel,
I was stunned and saddened to hear about Randy's accident yesterday from Dona. I haven't worked with Randy for a few years now, and know him from his days working with Boeing procedures. Back then, Randy was one of my favorite customers so I was sorry to see him move on, but he was going places -- you could tell. It's great that Randy has so much support from his family and his friends. After reading your blog it's good to see how far he has come, and the progress he's made. Because you know, that Randy is going places, you can tell. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. I'm Becky's "little" brother from North Carolina. I'll be sure to say a prayer for all of you.

Take Care.
