Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's like riding a bike!

Randy's mom and Cass left early afternoon today to head to Spokane for the Thanksgiving weekend. Randy called me quite a few times to find out what I was doing and when I would be home. During many of these conversations, I reminded Randy that no one was there with him so he really needed to be aware of what his limits were. He would say that one cannot tell their limits without trying. I would then tell him that, without someone there to catch him when he falls, trying was not a good idea for right now. He would agree, I would feel confident that he was going to remain safe and the conversation would end.

Then he calls me to tell me that he is out for a walk. I asked him to call me when he got home to make me feel better. Half hour later, I still hadn't heard from him, so I tried to call him. No answer. I waited a few minutes and tried again. Still no answer. I began to think of going home to check on him, but he then returns my call, telling me he wasn't quite home yet. I question why he was out for so long and he passes it off as wanting to go on a long walk. He called me when he was safely home and he begins talking of taking a shower. I instead steer him towards watching a movie, not feeling comfortable with not having anyone in the house with him in case he looses his balance.

I get home and he is watching a movie ~ no shower was taken.

Then, he hands me a Thanksgiving card and instead is a gift certificate to a store a little ways away from our house. I asked him if his mom had had time to drive him there before she left because I thought she was in a hurry to get on the road. He says she didn't take him. Then it hits me - he walked all the way to the store and back. Part of me thinks it is very sweet and the other part wants to lecture him on going that far on his own. So I played up the sweet part and put in a little bit on how he probably shouldn't have done that without one of us here in case something happened. His response was "Well, if one of you guys were here I would have had you drive me!". Then, after a little while (once he realizes I am not upset at him for walking that far by himself) he decides to tell me the entire story.

Randy thought it would be a great idea to ride his bicycle down to the store. Awhile ago, when he had mentioned wanting to ride his bike, I had strongly advised against it, mentioning that his balance was still very off. He argued and argued and then finally gave up. So today, with no one there to argue with him, he dragged his bike out of the garage, bound and determined to get to ride it. He began to get onto the bike and quickly realized it was not going to work out when the he continued to fall over while trying to get going. So he put it away and walked the entire way. I think he has decided to wait awhile on the bicycle riding! I am just very thankful it was his bicycle and not the motorcycle that he had attempted to ride.

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