Monday, November 13, 2006

Poor Therapy Today

Randy's mom went to Cass's school this morning to help out with the book fair going on there this week. Randy hung out at the house by himself. I think this was the first time that either her or I left him home alone while he has been awake. He enjoyed the time to himself. I think everyone needs that sometimes. I am just thankful that he is to the point that we feel he is safe enough for the short bits of time. With the memory issues I feel that he is not ready to be by himself for the longer periods yet, but I feel confident that he will heal enough that he will get there!

Today, Randy went for his follow up visit with our chiropractor. Dr Petett went over Randy's x-ray with him and his mom. He said there appears to be no fracture or instabilities in the cervical spine x-rays, which would be contra-indications against chiropractic adjustments. He said the goal is to re-educate and re-channel Randy's neuro network. The current plan of care is 2 adjustments 2 times per week for 2 weeks and then 1 adjustment per week for 4 weeks followed by a progress exam after the 6 week time period. Both Randy and his mom have an appointment this Friday. We have been seeing Dr Petett for the past 6 years on and off. He and his wife (who is also a chiropractor) are such wonderful people. Randy says the two adjustments since the accident have really helped his neck pain.

Cass had a half day of school today since this week is parent teacher's conference (ours is tomorrow evening). After picking her up, Cass and her dad worked on putting together a cart thing that his mom got for us to go into our pantry. Our neighbor, Ron, had built us the small pantry with extending our bathroom, but we haven't had a chance to plan out the inside of it yet. So, Randy's mom got us a little cart on wheels to use until we can plan out what we want to do for the shelves. They are going to need to be some pull-out type because of how the space is set up, but beyond that, we haven't figured out what it is going to look like. Randy was always the visionary and I was the one that planned the small details and made it happen. I am trying to expand my "visionary" skills.

Later in the day, Randy had another sesison of pool therapy. I was noticing this evening that his walking is drastically improving and I believe it is because of this therapy. Randy did 2 laps of walking in the pool and then he did a series of leg and foot exercises. The therapist commented that his balance was improving because he didn't have to use the sides of the pool nearly as much as he had the last time.

After pool therapy, Randy was scheduled to hang out with Brandon. On the way from the pool to the house, though, Randy gave his mom some bad directions, so they took the long way home. Brandon was patiently waiting for Randy when they made it home.

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