Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today, Cass's school was a couple of hours late in starting. Randy's mom went to the school to do some volunteer work while Cass and Randy hung out at the house cooking brownies. Randy hasn't been feeling that well lately, mostly from the pain on the left side of his head.

Randy only had speech therapy today. He showed Vanessa, his therapist, his new PDA. She liked it alot, but stressed the need to only have one area that he is keeping information at. Right now, he has a few notebooks and his planner and his PDA. He has been slowely transferring things out of the notebooks into his planner and his PDA. They also reviewed Randy's homework. They came across a couple of packets he had not yet completed. Vanessa stressed the necessity of following through with things. They also reviewed ways to improve at switching gears ~ she said he should practice doing 3 things at once and try to switch from one to another quickly. The goals for December are:
  1. Improve his ability to switch tasks quickly
  2. Focus his concentration
  3. Lengthen his attention span
  4. Improve his executive functioning, especially streamlining his organizational methods and helping him follow-up on tasks and action items.

During the therapy session the therapist and Randy's mom noticed that Randy was having more tremors today than usual. He said his head was hurting more than usual. Next week, Randy will meet with the doctor that we hope will be his new primary care physician (she is currently my primary care physician). Hopefully she can provide insight on where the tremors are coming from ~ the medication, stress, or just part of the inury.

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