Sunday, November 19, 2006

Not Much to Report

I don't have a lot to report today. We slept in a little this morning, which was very nice! I then took Randy to the store so he could work on one of his assignments ~ the one where he has to plan a meal, shop for items needed, and make it. At the store, he and I got all of other items we needed and then I turned it over to him to shop for items needed for the taco salad he was making. He had made a shopping list (actually, I think he ended up with 3 lists). At first, he turned to me for getting started, but I reminded him that this was his assignment and I was just there to help carry things. A couple of times, he would look to me to help determine what the best deal was for products, but I kept pushing it back onto him. He ended up doing well with it and dinner turned out nice.

I revisited the conversation that Randy and I and Randy and his speech therapist have had before ~ finding a way to remind him to do tasks. He has been great at using his planner and planning tasks, but sometimes forgets to do them. I am currently reading a great book about a doctor who suffered a head injury. Her method would be to set a timer and carry notes with her to remind her what the timer going off meant. I was thinking something a bit more high tech than that, something that would allow Randy to set up reminders for a serious of tasks for more than a day at a time. I was thinking an inexpensive PDA that can sync up to his Outlook on his computer. I know that when Randy was working, he used his Outlook to plan out the majority of his tasks and that worked well for reminding him and keeping him organized.

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