Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Last Few Days

Thursday, Randy tried out the metro system and it worked wonderfully. They came and picked him up right at the door, got him to his appointment on time, and then came shortly after his appointment was over. They picked up a couple of people and did a drop off while on the way home, but they were all relatively close to our area, so he wasn't in the van for an overly long period of time.

The eye appointment went okay ~ no major news with that. Dr Baxstrom did say that Randy's vision was 20/25 last time he checked (prior to the eye drops given by Harborview) and they had improved slightly from that. He increased the prism in Randy's glasses, but they still aren't helping that much. One thing that is interesting, though, is that when Randy has them on, if the object he is looking at moves in some way, while it is moving his brain processes it as one imagine. When the object is still, it becomes two again. Dr Baxstrom encouraged Randy to continue with his eye exercises.

Friday wasn't a great day for Randy. He got up with me when I got up and got ready for work and he stayed awake to get Cass off to school. Then he took a very long walk. The walk must have worn him out. I called him half an hour before he was suppose to leave to get Cass and I reminded him what time she got out of school. Then I called at the time they should have been getting home and there was no answer. I kept calling every few minutes with no answer. I even tried his cell phone and got no answer. I decided to check the home phone messages on there was a message from Cass saing that, since Randy never came to pick her up she walked home with a friend and went to the friend's house. I called the friend's house and told Cass to go home and check on dad. Right as she got home, he finally answered the phone. He had apparently been deeply asleep. When he woke up, he wasn't in a good mood. I think it took him a while to really become fully awake. For the rest of the night, he wasn't feeling that great and just seemed out of it. I was suppose to go to Seattle for a New Parent Orientation at Cass's acting school, but decided to come home instead because I was a little worried about him.

This morning (Saturday), Randy still wasn't feeling that well. Cass had an audition in Seattle this morning. Randy headed out with us, but as we got into downtown Kent, he decided he wasn't up for the ride. So he hung out with his friend Brandon while Cass and I went. This was Cass's first audition in front of an actual agent who was scouting. I thought it would be exactly like the audition to get into the school ~ they gave Cass a script to read and she read it in front of a little group of people. Unfortunatley, because I missed the parent teacher conference, I didn't realize it wasn't like that at all until we got there. It was held in the middle of the kid's section of Macy's. The agent sat at a table and kids lined up to go in front of him. We were third in line. As I watched the first girl go up to him, I saw that she introduced herself and then immediately started in on a commercial. No script was handed to her. We quickly got out of line and asked someone there how things worked and that is when we found out that the kids need to come prepared with a commerical script memorized. So Cass and I quickly ran up to the floor that school was on and got the script of the commerical she had done for her first audition. She quickly committed it to memory and practiced it a couple of times and then we went back downstairs to get back in line. She was so nervous. She lacked confidence when she went up to him, but he said she did a great job doing the commerical script. She just needs to work on pretending to be confident when she introduces herself and when she is leaving. Before actually doing the audition, she kept telling me she was too nervous and wanted to go home. I told her absolutely not. When she had finished with it, she was very glad I didn't let her leave. She had fun and got to experience her first real audition so she will know what to expect for next time. I think the more experiences she has, the more confidence she will have in herself.

Her and I got back in time to pick up the dinners from Dinner's Ready. Randy's parents had gotten us a gift certificate there. We had originally planned on going in and making the dinners ourselves becausde they give you a 5% discount, but everytime we had scheduled to go in, something came up. When we changed it to them making the dinners for us, though, they didn't charge us the additional fee. We tried out our first one tonight and it was very good!

We got back just a little bit before Randy's friend Brandon dropped him off and had just a little bit of time before we were to head back to Seattle for Cass's acting class. Since Randy's driving evaluation when the evaluator said she felt that he was ready to drive in residential areas (but she recommended he get an evaluation done from the DMV before he takes on freeway driving), Randy has really been pushing being able to drive. So today, he got behind the wheel and drove around our residential area. He didn't drive far (we didn't go near any main streets) and I don't think he ever got over 15 mph, but he did quite well. Better than I expected. I think it felt good for me to get in the driver's seat, even if it was only driving around the block.

We then headed to Cass's class. At the end of her class, the teacher had the parents come in and he showed us the videotape of the last couple of commericals the kids had been working on from the last two weeks of class. The first one was from last week. That was Cass's first time on camera. She seemed very tense throughout it. The one from today, though, she seemed very natural. A bit improvement.

A little bit after we got home, I found that I had left our oven on. I find this funny because I get so worried that Randy would do something of this nature while he is home alone and here I was the culprit. Thankfully nothing had been left in it. I turn it off and we all settled on the couch. A little while later, the oven began beeping on us. I thought maybe in my absentmindedness, perhaps I had set the timer. However, when we went in turn it off, we found that the oven display was flashing "F1". We tried hitting every button and nothing would make it stop beeping. We even turned off the power to it and turned it back on a while later. Still beeping. This oven is rather old and of course, we don't have a manual for it and when I tried to search on the internet for one, none could be found. I guess out next step is to call Sears. We just hope that it is some easy fix!

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