Friday, February 09, 2007

The Last Couple of Days

Yesterday, we had a busy day. We drove over to Tulsa, which is about a 45 minute drive my the little town that my parents live in. Randy wanted to go to a little book store that he and I had gone to when we lived here. We had lived here right after we got married in 1994 and lived her for about 6 months before heading back to Washington. The little bookstore is now gone, replaced by the bigger guys. We (Randy, Cass, and I and my mom, sister and her husband Mike) headed over to the Barnes and Noble bookstore. Of course, as soon as we enter, Randy and I head straight for the Starbucks!

We spent awhile browsing throught the books. My sister and Mike bought Cass "Mary Poppins". She was so excited! She loves that movie. From the bookstore, we headed to see my mother's sister. She had a stroke a few months ago. She is currently in a nursing home, but her recovery has been miraculous. She has recovered a lot further than the doctor's had said she would. She seems to be doing so well. Her memory is a lot better than Randy's is at this point, but she is going through very similar things as he did. It was great to see her. Unfortuntely, my cold had the best of me that day, so I wasn't as able to visit as much as I would have liked to. Randy was wanting to compare therapy notes with her and talk to her a little bit more about what she is going through, but he wasn't at the "top of his game" either. He was very wobbly throughout the day. I think it is because he still had his motion sickness patch on. It can be worn for up to 3 days and Randy chose to leave it on for the first 3 days for any car rides we on.

After we visited my Aunt, we went out for a nice lunch and headed back home. Today, we have had a nice relaxing day. We have watched a couple of movies and Randy has done quite a bit of reading. Tomorrow, we will have a lot of the family here for lunch. I am really looking forward to it. My parents live in my Grandma's house. When my Grandma was alive, when we would come to visit, the family would gather here. It is a small house, but it can fit a lot of people!

For those of you who pray, please remember the Pukitis family. Bob Puktis had a heart attach in the summer of 2005. Since then, it has been an incredibly long journey for the family, with many ups and downs. His son is one of my employees. Last I had heard, Bob was finally able to go to his home and was improving. Today, though, I found out that he lost his battle. His son is having a very hard time with this, as I am sure is the rest of the family.

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Lifting Bob's family members in prayer...