Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dr Baxstrom Visit

Randy had an appointment with Dr Baxstrom today. Before going, we had discussed how this would be the last visit since the doctors at Harborview had said that the issues that Randy was having could not be fixed with prisms and Dr Baxstrom strongly believes in using prisms. After seeing Dr Baxstrom today, though, we aren't so sure which direction to go. We talked to him about what the doctors at Harborview said ~ that we should start looking at surgery as a very possible solution. Dr Baxstrom strongly encouraged us to not give up on his methods yet. The type of double vision that Randy has is the hardest one to heal from. Dr Baxstrom says he has had patients that have recovered a lot from it to the point that they have single vision most of the time.

Dr Baxstrom showed Randy some exercises that he could do to strengthen some of the weak muscles around his eyes.

We are just very confused at who to listen to because they are saying the exact opposite. At this point, it won't hurt to continue trying out the exercises that Dr Baxstrom has prescribed, but we won't rule out surgery at this point either.

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