Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Last Couple of Days

We haven't done a whole lot over the last couple of days. Yesterday, I woke with bad headache. I got up in time to take Cass to school. When I came home, I spent about an hour finishing our taxes and updating the budget. Afterwards, I went in to get Randy up. I succeeded in getting him up, but then I fell asleep and pretty much slept all day. Randy worked on some of his therapy exercises.

Throughout the evening, Cass and I played a game while Randy worked on getting the tires of his bike fixed.

Today, Randy was very difficult to wake up. When I finally did him up, he and I went out and ran some errands, ending with Home Depot so he could get a few things for a couple of projects that he wants to work on ~ small projects.

This evening, while I made dinner, Randy worked on cleaning up the kitchen. I have never really like to cook, so I greatly miss the days when Randy did the cooking while I cleaned the kitchen!


HeatherD said...

Dear God, please lift up this entire family, and hold them close to You. Dispel any sprit of discouragement, and fill their hearts with love and praise. Bring them into Your church, to worship You and to fellowship with other believers. Help them to know You are always beside them.
In Jesus' name...

HeatherD said...

Gee, Rachel - I don't know why that photo posted. Sorry. I don't know how to make it not show.