Friday, January 26, 2007

Happy Friday!

Randy was near impossible to get up today. I finally got him out of bed around 11:30. I took him to the Supermall so that he could go to Eddie Bauer and spend a gift certificate he got for Christmas. He and I spent a little bit walking around to what shops were there now. We then headed to Fred Meyer to get a mouth guard. Since the accident, Randy has been grinding his teeth at night. It has been waking me up at night. I scheduled him an appointment with the dentist next week, but I decided today that I cannot wait that long!

Randy and I then headed to the chiropractor and got done just in time to get Cass from school. When we got home, her and I worked on taking pictures for a portfolio. I put a few of the pictures we took on our msn site, I actually took some okay pictures ~ quite a few that didn't turn out blurry.

Cass and I spent the evening playing games together. Because of the eye drops, Randy cannot see, so he opted out of playing. He has a few days left to take the drops, but the effects of them will last 2 weeks from the last time he takes them. I really hope these drops help this time.

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