Saturday, January 27, 2007


Today got off to a late start, which was very nice. Randy had woken me up at 7 this morning, grinding his teeth, but I was able to get him to stop and then go back to sleep a little while longer. The mouthguard worked very well throughout the night. Unfortunately, Randy took it out sometime while he was asleep.

After we all were up and around, Randy decided he wanted to try to go on a bike ride by himself. I was a little nervous, but he did great. He started off a little wobbly, but once he got going, he did just fine. He didn't get far, though, because his tires need air.

When Randy got back, we headed down to Toys R Us for Cass to spend the gift certificate that she got for Christmas. Cass had a great time shopping. She ended up getting a mix of stuff. She got a 3-D puzzle, a birdhouse that she can build and paint herself, and some little petshop toys. We got done in time to head to Seattle for Cass's first class. She had so much fun. The class was on week 6 of a 10 week course (when they are done, she will go back and do lessons 1 through 5). Since she wasn't there last week, she didn't have the script they were working on, so she didn't get to say any lines, but she got to be apart of other people's commercials. She got to get comfortable with being on tv and she got to know some of the kids.

When we got home, Randy played some games with me on the nintendo. There was one memory game ~ you were shown a pattern for a short time and then you had to copy the pattern and do so before you opponent. Randy actually beat me.

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