Friday, January 05, 2007

A Couple of Funny Stories

Not much to report today, but I have a couple of funny stories.

During a conversation that Randy and I had today, he had taken two different conversations we had had a few days ago, taken what he liked out of each of them, and turned it into one conversation in his mind (it was about me saying that he needed to wait to get one thing that he wanted but that I would take him to the store when I could to use a gift certificate for another thing ~ he turned it into me saying I would take him to get the thing he wanted). I reminded him of the two different conversations and his response was "Hey, it is my memory. I can make it work how I want to!"

This evening, we were at Kohl's (his parents got him a gift certificate for Christmas). I warned him that my back was hurting so the trip could only be for so long. He quickly went through all of the sweater clearance isles and grabbed the ones he wanted to try on. After a little bit of being in the fitting room by himself, he called me in. Thankfully no one else was in there. He sheepishly admitted he needed my help. For one thing, he kept putting the sweaters on backwards and then, he couldn't remember which ones he had tried on and which ones he hadn't. He had tried to make different piles, but then couldn't remember which piles were which. Life with a brain injury can definitely be entertaining at times! Thankfully, Randy can laugh at himself (so I don't feel bad for laughing at him :-)!

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