Sunday, January 07, 2007

Paperwork Overload!

Randy and I have spent most of the weekend on paperwork ~ how fun, right?! There are some questions that our attorney had sent over for us to answer. They have been put aside because of my health issues and now we are up to the last minute of needing to get them done. What they are is a list of questions from the attorney who represents the company and its employee of the truck who hit Randy. We each only have about 20 questions to answer (the questions are different for each of us since the affect on each of us is different), but some of them take some researching and a lot of thought. Randy has struggled with answering them ~ with spelling issues as well as trying to put thoughts into logical order. He finds it takes him a lot longer than it did before to do things. I tried to help him, but he really wanted to do most of his on his own.

Tomorrow we will be reviewing the questions and answers with the attorney to get them ready to submit.

I find it a little difficult to have to sit here and concentrate on all that we have lost because of the accident when I have tried to keep my focus on all of the positives throughout this time.

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