Friday, July 07, 2006

So far today

Randy has been a lot more alert throughout the day than usual. Normally, he doesn't quite wake up until late afternoon.

We got to the hospital a little later than usual this morning because I had to take care of getting my Leave of Absence paperwork in. The EEG doctor that visits Randy often told us that when he walked in the room, Randy was talking (not coherently) and he was scratching his foot ~ so he wasn't restrained as much as he should have been.

The nurse said he is following some commands, but still not consistent. This morning, when I said "I love you" he said it back and he kissed my hand. So, a little more improvement than yesterday.

He also got a cast put on his right leg today to stretch it out. It will stay on for 3 days. Then they will take it off and re-evaluate if it needs to go back on for a few more days. They didn't have to put one on the left leg. Since they put the cast on, though, he has been very interested in feeling it and he keeps lifting his leg up and moving it around. I am sure it feels a little uncomfortable right now! They also put a temporary splint thing on his left arm. He tends to ball his hand in a fist, which isn't good for him. So the splint makes his fingers go out a bit.

I plan to stay the night with him again tonight, so this might be my only post for today unless anything major changes.

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Rachel - you are so amazing and strong. We are all pulling for you and praying for you, Randy, Cass. PLEASE, please let us know what we can do for you - pre-paid phone? food delivered? shopping? maid service? I don't really know what you need, but I know a LOT of people really want to help take some of the burden off you - you just focus on taking care of you and of your family. GOD IS BIG!