Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The spinal fluid came back clear so no meningitis. The will continue to look at it for the next couple of days to see if anything else comes up. The blood work still won't show anything for the next couple of days. The cat scan shows some progression. They will be taking an x-ray of his lungs to see if any fluid got in there that could have caused infection.

So for right now, we don't know what is causing the fevers. It could be the injury near his brain stem.

They have also began talking about facilities again. The one in Issaquah (the Providence Marianwood) is on the National Watch list, so I don't know that we want to send him there. Here is the list I have for potentials based on research I did online, if people could respond with feedback:

Swedish Medical Center (Seattle)
Bessie Burton Sullivan SNF (Seattle)
Hallmark Manor (Federal Way)
Kin on Health Care Center (Seattle)
Springs at Pacific Regent (Bellevue)

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

Rachel - you can trust your instincts, and God will continue to guide you. Like Scott said, keeping notes will prove so valuable again and again, especially as you ask the right questions, which you are SO great at doing!!
Keep strong - glad you can rest there when you need to. You are an angel...