Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas 2006

Our day started out at 9 am today with Cass running in our room jumping up and down letting us know it was Christmas. Thankfully, she slept in today!
We tortured her a bit, though. Randy decided that he wanted "real" coffee today. The doctor had advised him that it isn't a good idea to have on a regular basis. Randy thought it would be a nice Christmas treat today. So he and I ventured out to find an open store.
Shortly after we finished cleaning up the living room from the opening of presents, Christine and her son Rick came by our house. I think that was the best Christmas present ever ~ getting to meet them! She talked a little of that day. She stayed in the car with Randy for quite some time keeping his head up so he can breathe. They gave her a helmet to wear as they took the top of the car off. When it was mentioned that Randy was a 5 on the Glasgow coma scale, she commented that even the cup sitting in front of her was a 4! It was so very nice to meet them.
When they left, we ate a very late breakfast. Then Randy's dad, sister and Cass went in search of a store that was open (the one we had found earlier had closed) and Randy's mom took a nap ~ she was up until after 4 in the morning, waiting for Santa I am sure! Randy and I started talking a bit about his time in Harborview. I dragged out "our song", which I had played for him many times. We both kind of laughed as we listened to it, realizing the lyrics have a whole new meaning now:
"I don't know what day it is,
I can't recall the seasons
And I don't remember how we got this far.
All I know is I'm loving you for all the right reasons
In my sky you'll always be my morning star"
~"All the Right Reasons" by The Jayhawks
I love that Randy has a sense of humor about his memory loss.
When everyone returned, everyone except Randy's mom (who was still sleeping) played "The Wrong Game", which Cass got for Christmas. It was kind of a fun game. You are read questions (each card contains 5) and you have to answer it wrong, but your wrong answer has to be in the same category as the right answer. What makes it even more hard is that it is timed. I think this was a great game for Randy to play. Many times, his mind would get stuck on the right answer and it would be hard to come up with a wrong one. He did excellent, though. In fact, he almost won, but his dad ended up getting to the goal first. He did much better than I did!
Randy and I then made dinner. We had chicken cordon bleu and green bean casserole. It turned out very nice. We moved the table into the living room in front of the fire place and used the fire, Christmas tree lights, and candles as our only light. It was a very nice meal. I have updated our photos on our msn spaces with Christmas photos if anyone wants to check them out.
The evening ended with Randy doing the Brain Age game. He rechecked his "brain age". Last he checked was right after coming home from Good Sam. His brain age at the time was 80. Tonight, he tested at 74. A little better... we are getting there.

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