Saturday, December 30, 2006

Riding a Bike Take 2

Randy was determined today to try riding a bike again. So I followed him outside with camera in hand. Since he doesn't have a bicycle helmet, I made him wear his motorcycle helmet (he wouldn't let me post a picture with him wearing it, though, so you have to go to the Family Pictures link to the couple I got with him actuallly on the bike). Our neighbor was pulling into her drivway as he put his motorcycle helmet on. It worried her a bit, until we explained it was for his bicycle!
He got on the bicycle, started pushing the pedal forward, and managed to stay on. That is absolutely amazing! His balance has improved so much in the last month that he went from falling over (Thanksgiving weekend), to successfully riding a bike. I am so proud of him for his spirit of not giving up! He is so amazing.
During the rest of the day, he and I started organzing the mountain of paperwork and mail we have accumulated since the accident. I had asked him to grab a stapler. He goes and grabs it and then we begin to look for where the staples go in ~ it is an odd looking stapler. There was one area that looked like they should go there, but they didn’t quite fit. He took the whole thing apart and couldn’t find where they fit. I even spent a bit looking at it. Finally, as I am holding it in my hand feeling hopelessly stupid, Randy says “Is this a hole puncher?” We decided to label that a "brain injury" moment. I haven't figured out what my excuse is, though.
In the evening, Randy went out to dinner and hung out with Brandon while the rest of us went out to Paolo's (an Italian restaurant here in Kent) to celebrate an early birthday for Melinda. She is leaving bright and early in the morning to return to California to bring in the new year. Going out to dinner proved a bit much for me and my back. I was definitely ready to head back home!
All in all, today was a fun day. As I said earlier in the post, I am so very proud of Randy and how he just doesn't give up trying. He has made it so far, and it has a lot to do with stubborness and his willingness to try and try until he succeeds. I think he is an absolutely amazing person and definitely an inspiration for me ~ he inspires me to keep going and just keep trying until you get it right.

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